Magazine Love - House of Fifty

As you know, I'm a HUGE lover of both online mags and traditional print ones...especially when they're good.

I have a collection of shelters that definitely helps with the 'I might be a hoarder' argument...this isn't really a good thing I suppose so....e-zines are a great alternative.

One of my faves is...

I so appreciate how the magazine covers all of my love list in every issue.

There's fabulously pretty...


and to add to the decor pretty, there's also...

which always makes me happy...finding new art talent is VERY high on my fun list;)

And since I now have started to become more domestic (this is new...I'm about two weeks into the experiment;) I'm also loving all the... 

I found this latest issue beyond can read all 184 pages of winter/spring 2012  HERE....which reminds me of another e-zine perk...don't you just love how ginormous each issue is in these type of publications...jam packed with goodness!!!

Happy weekend boys and girls.

I'll be back late night tonight to draw for the winner of my Three Bird Nest giveaway...if you haven't already thrown in your hat on that one, click know you want to win a little hat, scarf, headband, leg warmer or ascot fabulous...oh and make sure you also check back tomorrow...I've got more giveaway fun just in time for Valentine's Day:)

