Project Kitchen Gorgeous...Hood

Just when you thought Project Kitchen Gorgeous was completeski's...I've got an update:)

I've been living in and LOVING every inch of my gorgeous's absolutely, positively my dream come to life...adore, adore.

Except for one little thing...the stove hood.

Don't get me's a perfectly lovely stainless steel number...but...there's just something about it that I'm not completely in love with and since every other inch is exactly as I hoped it would be, hubs and I have agreed to switch it out.

So...after discussing ideas with Meredith, we've come up with a few options's where you come in.

I've got quotes on three possibilities and let's just say some are less than others...and, I'm not entirely sure I know exactly what I want.

Of course, I've gathered a ton of inspiration.

My dream of all dream hoods would be this one...

Best hood I've ever seen and the best kitchen I've ever seen in print- adore!

...but it's far too rich for my blood.

I also adore this little beauty...

hood heaven

...but again, even in white (rather than the metal,) it's still about double what our budget is.

It's still on the 'maybe' list but...I'm trying to decide if I love it enough to stretch the spending.

So let's count that as choice #1.

Choice numero deux is one of Meredith's designs...

...the beading on the bottom would echo the detail on my Barbara Berry desk in the foyer.

It would be finished like my cupboards in white and would go to the ceiling.

This is the most economically friendly option.

And then there's number 3...Meredith and I both noticed this at the Interior Design Show and I snapped a photo on my iphone to show hubby...

...his response killed me....'but there's not brass/gold in our house'....hard not to exactly observant;)

Anyhoo...this hood isn't brass but a painted finish on would be about the same price as #1.

I love the shape and the brassy goodness.

So...what say you?

Which is your favourite?

Keep in mind that below the hood is a solid piece of marble....on either side are open shelves.

Would you spend double to get option #1 or #3, or do you prefer the less fussy #2?

VERY much looking forward to hearing your thoughts.

