Project Zhush Resumes with an Office

As promised, I've got a ....



So the story and the most perfect client ever were happily working on a living room update when wabam...awesome client...otherwise known as A from A....up and moves.

We take a little break from the plans while the relocation happens and then Awesome Ali (said fabulous client) contacts me again saying that Project Zhush can resume.

I jump up and down.

A from A sends me photos of my living room design board come to life in the new place and I jump and down again.

Ali then tells me that the living room, though already fabulous, needs a little tinkering but that she really wants to focus on her office, no photos yet of the living room for you peeps...but...they'll be coming...promise.

For now, it's office time.

It looks like this...

After staring at it for a little while, I decide that it really should look like this...

So I send A from A links to:

1. Petal Pusher Wallpaper so I can live vicariously through her
2. Wisteria Mirror because everyone needs at least one Venetian in their life
3. Vintage Desk that could be painted to look like Bailey's masterpiece
4. A cheap vintage chrome chair that could be made to look like the Pieces fantastica above

Ali loves it and we set about deciding on chair and fabric.

This gets purchased for $80...

...and then we die over/buy this to transform it with... faux ostrich because whose kidding's DIVINE.

Next, A from A tells me that the desk idea won't fly because this shelf...

...can't be moved.

So...I rack my brain and remember this amazeballs project of Jenny's...

...and propose the idea of a skirted shelf...i.e. some pretty fabric to cover up all the wires etc....

And she enjoys it.

Because I loooove the idea of some spotty goodness set against the pink chair and gold paper, I think about possible budget friendly alternatives to the divine Les Touches and remember this insanely brilliant chair transformation...

...and order up some of that fabulous dotty fabric from Nicole...

And with that, the plan is complete....which means...all of the above is happening.

Stuff has been purchased and work has begun.

After pictures coming as soon as I have them in my hot little hands.

The entire apartment is being zhushed so stay tuned my friends.

And PS, I am SOOOOOO happy to be working on this again...Ali is the bomb diggity best and being able to work with someone who is so utterly styletastic...and get paid for's bliss!

Joy dancing.

