Style in Seven - Sam of The Peak of Tres Chic

It's time for another fabulous....

...and today, I'm very happy to be welcoming Sam, of The Peak of Tres Chic.

Her blog is a relatively new one and in only a few months, has become an absolute oasis of design pretty.

And what's more....Sam is one of the sweetest and most gracious bloggers around...she always leaves the most genuine and uplifting comments...totally one of those girls you'd love to have on your team.

Her Style in 7 is totally delish and packed full of some of my personal faves...Sam is totes a girl after my own heart...enjoy!!!


Bonjour, Bijou & Boheme readers!  I am so thrilled to be here posting on Christine's blog.  Although I have many blogs I adore, B&B speaks to my heart. Christine's love for pink and feminine glamour also resonate deeply with me- I am a complete girly girl.  Which brings me to my first Style in 7:

I find such inspiration from timeless Hollywood beauties like Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, and Brigitte Bardot.  Their classic glamour and elegance is so present in every image and movie they did.  They were the true original divas!  I love looking back to old Hollywood for style inspiration. 

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My next Style in 7 is black & white fashion.  I love the simplicity and elegance of a simple color palette.  Black+white seems to look great on anyone, no matter one's size, shape, or style. It's no wonder the LBD has been a fashion "go-to" for years.  All one needs to do is look to Angelina Jolie's classic all-black ensembles to see the power of simplicity.  Although I adore color, I naturally gravitate towards classic black and white in fashion.

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My inner French girl squeals with delight at all things French shabby chic.  I love the warm lived-in feel of French-styled interiors. The French live a different lifestyle full of rich cultural history and experiences.  They take time to enjoy the finer things in life, while also not taking themselves too seriously.  I believe their lifestyle is evident in the way they design their homes, which I would describe as laid-back charm with a touch of sophistication.span>

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A defining element of my style is being willing to take risks.  Whether it be fashion risks, interior design risks, career risks, or relationship risks, it's so important to believe in yourself enough to take a leap of faith.  I've always said fashion rules were made to be broken.  You can't be afraid to make a mistake- because mistakes are how we learn and grow.  Although I love high fashion and expensive decor as much as the next girl, I try to allocate enough money to see a new place each year.  It's important to get out of your comfort zone and learn about other cultures.  On a trip to Switzerland in the summer of 2010, I took a literal leap of faith!


My next style in 7 is sexy tablescaping.  I love a well-dressed table for a fancy soiree, but for me it is important for my guests to feel relaxed and at home when coming over for a party.  That's why I love a good sexy tablescape.  Rich elements combined with luscious flowers, lots of candles, and dimmed lighting create a great environment for guests to mix and mingle.

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I was once told that artwork is furniture for your walls.  Choosing art for your home is such a personal decision.  I always try to only buy art that truly speaks to me.  Often, that means artwork with bold colors and thick, wild brush strokes.  I like to make a statement with art.  Instead of adding it as a "final touch" to a room, I have been guilty of buying a bold piece of art and designing a whole room around it.  What can I say?  When a piece of art speaks to me, I just have to have it!

My last Style in 7 is well-dressed tabletops.  One of my favorite elements in a person's home is what they choose to decorate with because it tells so much about the person~ who they are, where they've been, and what's important to them.  I love it when people decorate with photos, coffee table books, and other pretty little things.

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All in all, my style is very feminine, shabby chic, with a touch of glam.  Thank you Christine, for helping me divine my style in 7 elements!  I  had a great time putting all of this together.  Feel free to come visit me at The Peak of Tres Chic.  Big hugs to Christine and her Nana!


Loving all the femininity and personality in this delightful!!!
And PS, how amazeballs are those sky-diving shots?  LOVE!

A big giant thanks to my three Style in 7 ( Aubrey, Nuha and Sam) posters this week and to you my dear've all made my heart swell up with the support you've given me...appreciated more than I can say.

Stay tuned for another great guest post tomorrow...we're switching gears a bit with some fashion to room fabulous, thanks to my dear blogging friend Alex of Things That Sparkle.  And then on Tuesday, sweet Chassity from Look, Linger, Love will be here with a little preview of the fabulous she's cooking up for her new house!!

As for me, I'm leaving today for PEI to see my Nana so I'll say later skaters for now.

Mushy hugs,

