My Weekend in 16 Photos

Hello friends.

I trust you all had a good long weekend...ate lots of chocolate...enjoyed fam ham time...worshipped- the bunny or god as the case may be;)

My weekend was quite swell.

Friday was spent spring was big garbage day in my hood- you know the one where you can supposedly put out whatever you want, and between recycling, compost, garbage pick-up, and the picker frenzy, all should be taken.

Hubster and I spent the whole day cleaning out the garage.

After single handedly breaking down about 100 cardboard boxes, I came to the startling realization that I do WAY too much online shopping- wow...I admittedly might have a bit of a many boxes.

Anyhoo...after an entire day...this is what our junk pile looked like...

And much to my chagrin, after insisting they would be taken, come Saturday morning, my carefully stacked cardboard was still sitting there:( 

I hate when my husband is right.

A trip to the dump later and my curb was finally clear...and my garage...there's at least space to walk around it...a definite improvement but there's still a very loooooong way to go.

More on that later....whispers...a carpentry project is happening to Casa might involve some much needed storage and perhaps a back deck overhaul...woot.

Back to Friday.

Along with the cleaning, we also did yard work....we were busy productive bees.

Mulch was distributed everywhere and hydrangeas for my porch were planted...

And that was pretty much Friday.

On Saturday, I had tons of shopping to do in anticipation of Easter fun.

We also very much enjoyed a visit from my daddio.

The kids loved that he brought gifts...

...they also liked it when he helped with Easter baking and crafting...

PS...the egg shot illustrates our sad attempt to replicate the Fabulous K pink/gold egg gorgeousity I posted about last week...the project was WAY harder than I anticipated...our finished product is definitely the ghetto version- kids had fun though;)

And that was Saturday.

As for the main squeeze holiday...we started with an egg hunt on the mainfloor {backyard is also my pooches potty so we never do outside hunts}...

I call this one Sculptural Egg Boob;)

We also did a scavenger hunt for the kids this year.

Was the first time and it was beaucoup fun.

The kids had 10 clues and finally found their bunny gifts.

Big daughter got cash.

Red got flying ponies...

...and Mac got the Cars spy train he's wanted forever...

...seeing him see that train for the first time, was kind of heaven...he just kept yelling 'yaaaaaah' over and cute.

Hubster was sweet and got me these...


The fam and I then had an Easter fashion show courtesy of the 5 year old- she set it all up the night before...

How precious is that?

And then, we all headed out for a little Easter brunch and some antiquing.

I realised that my daughter is my mini-me as soon as she insisted on something ceramic as her $5 antique.  I always get let them pick out a little old goodie when we go on these hunts...they have a 5 bone limit and watching them seek out their favourite thing is so so cute...I'm grooming them to love antiquing as much as I do;}

Just look at her face when she spotted this ceramic dog...

...see the joy?

I had the same feeling when I saw these poodle beauts...

...but had to leave them behind because they came as a package deal with some weird cartoon giant version...annoying.

I did, however, come home with this gold dish loveliness...

...which I intended as the first item for my soon to be store but well...I think I might need to keep it.

I'm thinking that might be a common theme.

I left these Givency vintage glasses behind....

...only because teenager and husband giggled when I put them on.

What do they know?

Pretty sure I'm going back for them.

Mac ended up with a red car and my daughter proved again that she's a girl after my own heart when she selected a pink floral vase as her treasure...

And that my friends was my weekend in 16 Instagram photos.

If you made it all the way to the bottom of this long post, high fives and kisses.

