Project Zhush...ze Bedroom

Goodmorrow friends.

Someone smashed into the back of my car yesterday when I was stopped at a red sucked...made my kids cry and my neck hurt like a son of a...we're all OK though and the silver lining is that I'll get a rented mini-van for a few days while our 7 seater monster gets fixed...I never thought I'd live to see the day when a rented Dodge Caravan would make me happy but such is the phase I'm in;)

In other news...


Progress on the office is happening and I promise pictures as soon as it's all said and done.

For now, I give you bedroom plans.

This is the before...though I'll tell you, Ali's room is pretty great to start with...

That glowing orb in the giant Venini goodess we scored months ago at some Jewish good will like store...I think we paid $200 for it and well, it's reeeeeal good.

The furniture is all staying, though I have something up my sleeve for the end tables...A from A doesn't know of this yet...surpriskis;)

This pretty vanity is also a part of the mixology...

The plan for the boudoir began as a pink/red scheme after I found a delightful pair of red campaigns on Etsy and this GP&J fabric, which I'm batty about...

...can you just see that loveliness as curtains?

Fudgepacker it would be good.

Anyhoo...the first draft plan was this...and please ignore the white backgrounds on everything...this one was done mid-computer breakdown number 'god knows how many'...

This plan was A from A boyfriend approved but sadly, the red chests sold and well, they wouldn't have fit in the room anyway so...back the drawing board.

After a few back and forths, we decided on no extra furniture, aside from a vanity chair...just walls, curtains, art, accessories, etc.

And in the intern, A from A also sent me some inspiration shots... I got back to work {once my computer was replaced with you that works} and came up with this revised goodness...

Key points:

Pink wallpaper...and PS, are we not SO excited that this amazing print now comes in pink? I AM!

Moroccan blanket with sparkles.

Domesticate dotty fabric for curtains.

Large vintage gilt mirror.

Vintage chair for vanity.

Chinoise panels framed in acrylic.

Great pastely art from Kerry Steele.

Albino peacock...sidenote...A from A want are both chomping at the bit for one of these beauties...thinking Christmas the Secret protests, if we put it out there, it will happen...any taxidermists out there who might want to donate one/two to the cause, you know where to find me;)

Anyhoo....this bedroom plan/scheme is happening.

If any wallpaper suppliers want in on the action, we'd be happy to blog about you in exchange for a paper discount;)

God...I'm begging all over the place today- ha!

Oh and amazing artist and consultant named Megan Peter contacted me last night with some pieces she thought I might amazing is that?

One in particular caught my eye and god willing, if it's available in print MUST make an appearance in Casa A from A and perhaps Casa's just that good...


I could.

Will're a genius and pleeeeeeaaaaassssseeee tell me you print things so us poppers can afford them.

Peace out lovers.
