Project Zhush- Bed and Bath

Good morning friends.

I have to admit to you that my blogging brain is still not quite in sync...I woke up this morning with a little writer's block...considered a story post, since haven't done one of those in yonks but I'm just not feeling witty enough at the moment to make it good.

So...I'm going fail safe....aka...


Since I've been away, little really has happened but I do have a few boardski's to share.

After considering the 'it's as good as unicorns and candy sparklers' vase wallpaper, me and A from A came to the sad conclusion that it's just too pricey's a realization I come to on my own almost daily as I consider umpteen wallpaper choices for my home- why christ does the stuff have to be so damn expensiventee?

PS... apparently I'm in the mood for words/phrases that aren't real today...the expensive one is meant to rhyme with entrĂ© likey.

Moving on.

In an attempt to formulate a plan as delightful as the paper, but with a smaller price tag, I came up with this...

Pink walls (FB pink ground) with gold detail molding.

As a more low key alternative, I also presented this...

...the white moulding version.


The spoonflower dots fabric from domesticate is most definitely going on the windows...and come hell or high water, those chinoiserie panels will be acrylic frames thank you please...also, a Moroccan sparkle blanket will also most definitely be happy to see such pretty ones at our friend Amber's shoppe!

Now...along with the bedroom ideas, I also sent A from A a little bathroom inspiration.

We decided early in the game that the en-suite was to be moody/dark glam...a good counterpoint to the bedrooms pretty glam;)'s the first draft...

Black palm wallpaper (domesticate strikes again,) gold over the top fixtures, Persian, gilt chandy, lucite teal bench, art fantastica.


