
Good morning friends.

I trust you all had a good weekend.

Mine was swell.

I spent Saturday at the opening party for the little designer consignment sale I'm taking part in...we had a 'mingle with mimosas' and it was beaucoup fun.

Lots of stuff got sold, which was grande.

Of course, there's still tons of pretty left so if you're a local yocal, please do come by any day of the week (minus Sunday) from 10-6.

You'll see things like this...

New goodies are being brought in everyday so yes, come shop...this mamma needs new hair and I'm counting on sale proceeds to get it so...help a girl out/get your shop on please;)

A big hug and kiss to Tim, Lindsey, Sarah, Leigh Ann, and Jenn for popping by- aren't supportive friends the bom diggity do?

Love them.

And do you know who else I heart?

My hubster.

I realized this weekend that I take his awesomeness for granted a large chunk of the time.

He's the guy that lets my paint walls pink and doesn't make much of a face when I buy yet another ceramic or brass animal.



...as further evidenced by the fact that he suggested spending the day antiquing on Sunday.

Bless him.

So that's what we did.

I saw lots of yumminess...

...and loved every minute of the outdoor family time...

...and died mostly over the garden pavillion above- wanted like EVERYTHING Joe antique outdoor guy was selling.

I also had a very, very, very hard time leaving this jumbotron peacock chair behind...

...$60 bones...pink/white striped cushion...huge...sigh...just couldn't think where the heck I could put it.

Boo.  hiss.

I actually left with zero, zilch, nothing.

Sad face.

On the flip side of no purchase crapness, our drive home was rather interesting.

We eneded up going through some pretty spectacular open houses out in the country.

Let me tell you...I seriously debated/am debating the merits of moving out a bit to get an incredible home...these 'estates' I saw were all the business... Belgian scraped floors, marble everywhere, 12 foot ceilings...brilliant.

Trouble is, I came home to this...

...and realized I'd have a VERY hard time ever leaving my little house.

It's not huge or perfect by any stretch but...it's home...5000 sq. masterpiece be damned:)

The other bonus is that I have the best neighbours ever.

Spent last night on that porch with drinks and friends...can't get much better than that.

Hope you had a sunny few days too.

Later alligators.

