An Idea Makes a Shop...Wink of Pink

A few days ago, I posted this photo of a little DIY I did a while back...

...and had a few people give me the 'I thought you said you couldn't paint' which I responded 'um...I can't...unless there's only one colour involved.'

And then a lightbulb went off in my brain.

What if I did canvases in just one colour?

What if the one colour was pink?

What if I sold them in a little Etsy shop?

What if I called it....

All of this seemed to make logical sense to me....afterall, we all know that I'm a pinkaholic and well, I love the idea of people adding just a 'wink' to their homes.

So...with idea in hand, I ventured off to the art store for some supplies and came home with this stuff...

...along with a few canvases and frames.

After trying out some ideas, I decided that whatever I did, would be made mostly of pink but would probably need to be accented in white and gold...because let's face it, pink and gold are such a happy power couple.

So, I headed back to the store and picked up some more paint and more frames and got to work.

And after a few days of playing around with what I wanted, I had two finished pieces...

{the teaser}

 {the actual #1- Fleur}

{the actual #2- Delilah}

...along with the beginnings of a shop...

My plan is to get at least 10 ready and then officially open my Etsy shop next week.

I'm VERY excited about this but also a little deathly afraid so...fingers/toes are tiiiiightly crossed.

Now, before I sign off, a little disclaimer...I am NO artist...these are not meant to be anything other than a little bit of pink pretty...and I know many bloggers have started painting and I'm sort of jumping on the bandwagon but, I do feel like we all have something very different to bring to the table and well, I hope you like what I'm serving up.

Again, scared...hitting publish on this one will be hard.

But not as hard as when next week rolls around.

Be kind.

You always are so I have faith.


