Art LOVE...Haves and Have Nots

Good morning friends.

First off, thank you for the votes on the Project Zhush art front- as of now, Glasses and Masks is in the clear lead...if you'd like to cast your vote before Saturday, click HERE.

And since we're on the topic of art, I have a few things to share.

I'm sure most of you have seen Ms. Bailey McCarthy's house all over the interwebs this's well...HEAVEN...absolutely my dream house.

Besides her brazen use of vibrant colour and wallpaper...which PS makes her my hero...what I struck me the most was the artwork.

In particular, I was/am entirely smitten with this piece by Donald Roller Wilson...

After seeing the above photo, I of course linked over to Mr. Wilson's portfolio and quickly discovered that I will sadly never be able to own one of his pieces...they're well...tres $$$$:(

Sad face.

I'd sooooo love to have this guy...

or this one...

...but unless I win the lottery, nothing from this guy is/will ever be in the cards.

Moving on.

Perhaps my favourite room in all of Bailey's house is her daughter's bathroom...yup...I'm totally jealz of a baby on this front...

The tile...the red/pink combo...the ART!!!

As with the DRW scenario, after seeing this photo I quickly googled the artist responsible for the little piece of painting nirvana and was soon browsing through the beauty that is Ms. Sarah Ashley Longshore's portfolio...

The black/albino peacock beauty...well, I think I might have to own that...and the butterflies, adore her too...also kind of in love with the last see my dilemma on this front...thankfully, I can actually at least hope to own one of the beauties one day...I was SO happy to discover that Ms. Longshore's pieces are very reasonably priced, as far as original artwork goes...happy, happy.

If Santa/husband are reading this, the albino peacock is truly my favourite...pretty please with a cherry on top?  I've been good.

When I think of what I'd buy if I were to win millions, my brain quickly goes to art.

I'd cover every inch of my house in it, were I to be 'rolling in it.'

In the meantime, my budget allows me to mostly buy prints, and you know what, I'm SO thrilled that I have already amassed a pretty lovely collection of them.

This past weekened while antiquing, I came across two vintage Antonio Vargas prints and snapped them up.

The first originally looked like this...

...but after some ageing, is now a softer even prettier version...


I also came home with this loveliness...

...and have now maxed out in the nude department at a lofty 5...and no, I'm not a lesbian...nude girls are just prettier than nude I wrong?


My house is also about to get a whole lot more delicious because I opened my door yesterday afternoon and found this waiting for me....

...and no, the package didn't include the cars...thankfully I had no less than 50 of those to choose from when laying the artwork out on my bedroom floor...boys and their toys as it were.

I can't thank Jessica Rae Sommer enough for sending me a copy of Lavender Heat...I ADORE it and can not even wait to frame her up in some thick lucite goodness.

Is it weird that I kind of also want to frame the butcher paper/silver hand written not Jessica wrapped the print in? Stalker much?

So how about you?

If millions were to be dropped on your front door, would you scoop up buckets of artwork?

My answer to that question....a resounding HELL YES!!!!

