Project Zhush - The VOTE

As per yesterday's post (see HERE,) it's vote time.

I'd like you to choose which art will go in A from A's office.

A little background info...the office is not large...

...see the arrow spot, that's it.

So picture if you will....skirted desk the entire width of the space with a venetian mirror above and sconces on either side.

The artwork is needed for each of the side walls.

Are you with me? are your choices...I actually had more but narrowed them down to 10 while I uploaded...

#1 - Flamingos

#2 - Animal Fiends

#3 - Outdoors In

#4 - Paris Shops

#5 - Glasses and Masks

#6 - Dog Walking

#7 - Abstract

#8 - Say it with Flowers

#9 - The British are Coming

#10 - Ladies

So there you go...10 to pick from.

Oh and one more piece of info, there will also be two pieces from my fabulous sponsor, 
Sarah Swanson/Gallery Wall in the mix as well - thinking of putting them under the sconces...

I figured that could/might impact your choice.

Happy voting - I'll announce the winning selection on Saturday.

Thanks chums.
