
First off, a big happy 4th of July to my Americano friends.

Holidays are winners.

My hubster's new vacation from employments status means that yours truly can paint her brains out...and so I have.

I finished this little number yesterday.... honour of Ms Jessica Rae Sommer.

You many remember that she painted this...

...and well, it slays, we're doing a little art exchange...I get that amazeballs image of myself (sounds weird to say that I love my own image but you know what I  mean)
 and she gets my little creation excited.

Next up, a little commission for my lovely friend Wendy...she's just started her own kick ass marketing company and is looking for a little citrus art prettiness to design her website banner's what I came up with...

...turns out citrus comes way less naturally for me than straight up pink, gold and black...this puppy took me a LOOOOONNNNGGGG time.

And finally, I've got a few larger paper/framed pieces going up in the shop today.

Ms. Blythe...

...she has sparkles:)

And two 12x18 partners in crime...Anna...

...and Julia...

And with that, I'm breaking from painting for at least the rest of the day...after I clean this all up that is...

...PS, think there's any money to be made in palate photographs?

I'm kind of loving that second shot of my mixing mess.

Later gaitors.
