Friday Fancies - Art to Oufit

Praise Jesus it's Friday...not that it really matters in my neck of the woods...our running joke these days is everyday is a Friday a the Doveys...happy offshoot of unemployment I guess;)

Anyhoo...I've got a little outfit pretty today, brought to you by two pieces of art.

The first one...a farking FABULOUS piece from Ms MFAMB....sweet Jenny sent this to me and it arrived yesterday. 

could. not. love. it. more.

There was a sort of dead wall spot in my kitchen and these monster pretties have filled it in the best possible's totally the meatball to my kitchen spaghetti...see...

...and to match, a little ensemble goodness...

And next, my latest piece for Wink of Pink...Seraphina...

...and her outfit...

Happy almost weekend love lushers.

