I Want This House

Good morning love bunnies.

I trust you've enjoyed a delightful weekend.

Mine was grande...tres busy but good.

For one, I ventured to Halifax for my cousins wedding, which meant a 4 day little tripski with the kidlets...hubster stayed home to take care of the pooch.

I'm actually still here and will be making the  journey back, with 2 kids, 2 car seats, 2 suitcases, and one of me, later today...wish me a giant God speed on that one- oy.

Also, it was my b-day on Saturday...since it was also wedding day, not much really happened on the birthday front, which I was glad for...not too in love with ageing at this point...on the silver lining side, although 37 had a lot of high five moments for me, it also had some rather large shit turds...so,  I'm hoping 38 will be one filled with more smooth/lack of sadness sailing.

Anyhoo...on to Monday.

I came across this house and well, it's my absolute DREAM palace...so, I'm sharing it with you so that you can also feel very jealz of the person who lives here too...and wouldn't you know it, she's also a renowned photographer/artist so she's basically got it all...bitch;)

Welcome to the home of Heidi Bassett Blair, designed by the very talented Christina Rottman...

Crying tears of envy.

Heidi's studio...dying.

The illuminated artboxes in the hallway...dead.

And the art/photography...don't get me started...so much pop goodness.

Oh and the staircase with that long dripping chandy gloriousness...dead and burried.

The whole place is just oozing personality but still manages to be endlessly elegant...I want, I want, I want.

Also, I'd like a Blair 'Eye Candy' piece to call my own...

Hearts, moonbeams and lust.

Want. it. all.
