Life..the Ups, the Downs and the Art


I trust you all had an enjoyable weekend.

Mine was a long a good way...Canada Day meant Monday was a no workzies one.

Though, we have a running joke right now around these parts that everyday is Friday here in the Dovey household.

Why you might ask?

Well...the shitty news that I hinted at last week is that my husband just got laid off...literally after getting a raise only weeks ago.

Total bummer.

He's a telecom sales dude and basically 3 out of the 4 sales managers got packaged.

Massive lard.

Thankfully, he got paid a lot and now has time to look for an even better job...that's what my positive brain is telling me anyway...along with the silver lining 'it's summer and he gets to spend some great time with the kids'.

Unfortunately, I also have the pessimistic/angy/wallowing in self pity voice that's focussing on all the poop how I have to now delay my exterior I have to watch spending like a I can't have my new black windows...etc. etc.

I know it will all work out in the end but for now, it just sort of feels like a large pile of shit...especially since I also have my Lola sadness to deal with.

When it rains it pours as it were.

Thankfully, there's a lot of other great stuff going on and I know this...

"Life is like photography - you use the negatives to develop!"

...and this...

. be true.

So...I'm attempting to take this all in stride and focus on the good...lucky for me, there's a lot of that going around.

For one, this new painting train I'm on is making me satisfied in such a supercalafragalistic way....

I've started experimenting with different things and was literally jumping up and down when this little number....


...proved to be a big hit...sold within minutes...happy happy happy.

I'm going to start a whole series of these so stay tuned...lots of pink, black and gold graphic goodness coming soon.

Also, some fluorescent pretty is in the works... is some softer drippy stuff...


So hope you like it all.

And speaking of enjoyment, this weekend experiment was fun...

In case you can't tell, that's a water blob right there...hubster and I made it and well, it was fun with a capital F.

Basically, you take plastic sheeting that one would use to insulate walls, cut it into two giant squares, tape on all sides with duct tape and fill with hose water.

Trust me when I tell you, it provides hours and hours of kid fun...the kind that allows you to sit on deck chairs with other adults drinking cocktails while your kids stay entertained...good stuff.

One hint though...if you're going to try this at home, make sure you put the blob on level ground...we almost had a massive disaster just moments after taking that first shot...poor S got swept away as the blog rolled down the slope in the front yard and sent my little red head catapulting into the hedge...not cool...lesson learned...flat ground is a MUST with this project.

What else can I tell you?

I guess this post is already sort of long so....quickly....the fam jam and I went to our town's Canada Day celebrations...t'was fun but waaaay to farking hot.

Some pics...

How much do I adore that my 6 year old tagged her own artwork with her initials?

That would be a alot.

And speaking of adore, the quality dog time I spent with my Lola bear this weekend was topzies on my happiness list.

When her and I were single gals, we lived in the city right across from the largest park we have in Toronto...I'd walk her there everyday off leash and she'd romp in the streams, play with other pups and just run her brains out...the place is basically the equivalent of doggy park utopia...I've felt guilty for years that this little piece of dog heaven was kind of ripped away from her in exchange for 3 kids, way less fun leash walks, and the, since I know her days aren't many, we're going to make it a plan to drive downtown at least a few times a week and revisit the place where my pooch and I became the best of friends.

To see her back there yesterday made my heart swell up in a pretty massive way...although she wasn't darting ahead and rolling around with other pups, I know she loved every second of it...just look at her face...

...and look at mine...that my friends is true love right there.

And PS, my 6 year old captured it with my phone....happiness.

So, I guess that's all I've got for now.

But before I go, just two bits of wisdom...

1. The crap in life certainly makes the good stuff shine so much the end of the day...

Good design makes me happy
{via}'s that for cheese?

2. When life gives you lemons/your husband gets laid off, be happy that the extra time means he can make home-made lemonade....

Sorry for the novella but hooray you for making it all the way through.
