Weekend, News and a Bijou Board

Good day everyone.

I trust you enjoyed a beuno long weekend.

Mine was swell...we took the big kid to university, which was both joyous and poopsticks all at the same time...

...the red head was particularly not pleased with her sister's new living arrangements...

...the little one threw me over the edge on the way home when she said...and I quote..."Mommy, first Lola and now Tasha...our family is falling apart".


Anyhoo...we got the big girl all settled in to her new room and I couldn't be prouder of her...the house is feeling mighty empty without her though:(

Aside from the move in, I spent the rest of the weekend on my DIY project and I have to say, it turned out exactly as I had envisioned..here's a little peakski of what I got up to...

...the bad news is that I put the finished number in my foyer to take pictures of it and well, it's sort of meant for the spot under my desk...I very much wish I could keep the damn thing...feeling like I might now be on a search for something I can make into its twin....will keep you posted on that front and promise shots of this little lady in a few weeks.

And now, I thought I'd share my big news.

You might have noticed that I've been visiting you all a little less these past few months...well, there's a reason...I've been sick...but not bad sick...

This sort of sick...

...yuppers....a new little love bug will be joining our family in March and we couldn't be happier:))))))))

I'm 3 months along now and starting to feel more like myself but 'tis been a haaaard few months.

You might remember that I took some time off at about this time last year...well the reason for that was a miscarriage...it was devastating and awful and something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy...we got through it though and knew we desperately wanted another baby so after a few months, we started trying again....the very crappy thing about miscarriage is that it sort of ruins the naive joy that comes with early pregnancy...I've been a nervous wreck this time around...and...well, it hasn't been easy.

We found about at about 7 weeks that I was actually carrying twins...probably the reason why I'd literally been in bed most of the day for weeks on end...of course, this sort of news came as a total shock but felt like such an incredible gift...sadly, a week later we found out that Baby B didn't make it...I've since learned that this is really common...apparently, 1 in 8 people walking around actually started out as a twin...crazy beans.

So...we're here now and happily pregnant with one sweet baby...and thankfully, I'm starting to feel more like myself...the total exhaustion is beginning to subside and my desire to do anything but sleep is returning...this is PS, the reason why Wink of Pink has sort of been at a standstill...the smell of paint has been more than a little disgusting up until now so I promise I'll rev stuff back into high gear soon.

So...that's the news.

Happy, happy, happy.

It seems as though our crappy stretch is taking a turn for the better...we had more great news this past week...hubster GOT A JOB!!!

Aside from the obvious perks like health insurance and paid bills etc...this most importantly means that...

Project Nursery can roll into gear:)

Scarlett's moving into the big room over the garage and her old room will be for bambino.

If it's a girl...which I sort of feel like it is...this will happen...

...I can't WAIT to get started.

And hope you'll all follow along as I nag you with baby decorating questions:)

Thank you all in the meantime for still visiting these past few months despite my total lack of blogging support...I cross my heart that that I'll be popping by to catch up on all that I've missed.

Love you cyber buddies.
