Are you Getting Sick of This Yet?

I'm about to post about #projectscarlett AGAIN...sorry for those of you who are over be honest, since I've been so focused on it these past few weeks, I've got nothing else to talk about.

Well...there's personal stuff I guess.

My doctor's appointment went great...bambino had a nice strong heartbeat and after studying my ass/hips for a few minutes, my doctor threw in his guess that bean is a girl...which basically means, since we all know the basketball/boy vs fat all over/girl theory, that my backside is lardalicious...awesome.

What big girl's high school graduation ceremony is tonight...SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO proud...she's even getting the award that all schools give out for the all around 'gets along with everyone/always does her best/is going places' sort of student...triply proud.  I hope sweet/smart/amazing girl isn't upset when she arrives home this afternoon and finds her room transformed from a teenager's poster ridden lair to a 6 year old's jewelry box...the good news is that she now has the downstairs guest bedroom with ensuite all to herself...I remember what it was like visiting home from uni...I'm sure you all do too...going home was one thing but actually having to see/spend time with your family was another...quite sure she'll be happy for the distance/privacy.

And speaking of that bedroom...the wallpapering is DONE.

Now, all that needs to happen is the curtain installation and the large furniture to go in...I'm off to hand over a wad of cash for the wardrobe later this excited about it...not the cash output put the piece itself.  

The husband will move her bed and dresser over on Saturday, which will leave Sunday for hanging artwork and zhushing.

Monday = REVEAL DAY!

For now, I'll leave you with a few more peeks...and again, sorry for those of you who are sick, sick, sick of this business...I promise something else after Monday and I think you'll like it ::whispers:: free stuff all week because it's my blogiversary;)  

{mirror will be hung...not the fabulous hand painted pillow from my sponsor and gorgeous}

{re: pink 219 - I LOVE you like Christmas morning when I was 5}

{a few of you have asked about the racks via Instagram...they're $15 dollar cheapies from IKEA...had them sprayed gold...Valspar Brilliant Metal in Gold...also that little brown wooden chair was a gift from big sister...she had it made at her high school's wood shop and it's inscribed with Scarlett's name ...adorable...probably not staying under the desk but there's not many options for placement and it must be in the room}

God speed fellow unicorn chasers.
