I Love, I Bought, I Want

Welcome to Monday friends...it's a shitty rainy one here...the weather is starting to get depressing actually- anyhoo...I obviously didn't let that deter me from weekend fun;)

I actually had a really busy kid filled few days- Halloween part on Friday night with the littles...

...birthday party with the boy on Saturday, a modelling shoot with the red hed on Sunday, followed by much shopping sourcing (love being able to pass of my need to buy stuff as work).

I found SO many things that I want...have I mentioned how much I need to strike it rich?

First off, the love list...which is pretty much blends with the want list because well, I sort of need most of it...

1. Everything in Morba...

...PS, if you live anywhere close to Toronto and love vintage quirky eclectic, you need to visit this place.

I absolutely must own this for #projectbaby...

...and think this would make for the perfect #projectsurprise desk chair....

Most imporantly/significantly, I almost died when I discovered that not only is the Mouille knock of floor lamp available but so are the sconces... 

...and the ceiling fixture...

Does it not look just as totally perfect as the original?

I think so...and I want one...or all of them...can you OD on Mouille?


 I love the ceiling one most of all but it's massive in real life so couldn't possibly go anywhere but my living room and as much as I'd LOVE to put it there, I already have something...same goes for our bedroom...maybe in my basement when that reno happens...PS, it is happening...come tax return time...stay tuned on that front:)

Anyhoo...some form of it will go in bambino's room-leaning towards the lamp because it's easiest.

2. On the flip side of the this shop, I also hit up CB2 and saw the lounger I want for #projectsurprise...

...along with this dresser...

...that I thought I could double up and moph with some brass goodness for #projectbaby 's room.

3. More babycentric stuff...

This life sized sheep IS going to happen in the nursery...

...and so is this swan print...

...oh and this bunny lamp too...

PS, Kol Kid on Queen St...

...I heart you long time.

And finally, this black and white animal art genius will also be making an appearance...


Oh and one more thing...this mirror will also happen...

And I think that's it.

Oh wait...on the love list, add this photo of these two...

How stupidly perfect are they?

JJ is well, completely delicious and that dress on Diane...ridiculously good.

And finally, I bought zippo so have nothing to report on that front....close to picking up this strolling bad boy though...

Later alligators.
