
Hi there sweet friends.

I'm sorry I went postless yesterday...after Tuesday's announcement, I spent the day trying to wrap my head around the whole 'I'm going to be the mother of multiple boys' thing...just really never saw that one coming...now that I've had a day to adjust to the idea though, the thought of it just gets more and more like candy sweetness.

Husband and I also went back on forth on names for a while.  Before my design days, I was a total baby name obsesser so the process of picking a moniker is always a rather involved one for me...thankfully, hubs is mostly always on the same page...I'm lucky for that...also very grateful that the man lets me plaster pink everyone...he's a good egg it would seem.

Anyhoo...I think we've sort of moved away from our 'roo' choice just a little...well I have anyways...it's still his favourite.  Big girl and I though have always been madly in love with something else and thankfully, we agreed to add it back on the list...so we've got two solid front runners and 4/5 more months to mull it over:)

Exciting times.

Along with the same, I've also of course, mulled over the room...ALOT.

I collected these couple of photos as inspiration...

super cute nursery.

Sort of want the room to be a combo of the three...rich and time warn but with a hit of glamour.

So...as of now, this is where I am with it...

Tanzania wallpaper, fluffy cream/black rug, hits of rich blue, some campaign lacquered goodness, and some warn leather.

Husband has vetoed the blue and black settee since he's the one that ends up chilling on the baby's sofa every night...he still sleeps on Mac's sofa as he falls asleep so, I suppose I should let him have a say in this one...some other indigo sofa coolness be found.

Now, I do have a few questions about this plan.

1. Another option is this crazy fabulous wallpaper that MFAMB pinned the other day...

wild wallpaper black

ADORE it like hungy monkeys like bananas but...it's tres $$$, which means I could only afford to do the one main crib wall in it.

I generally loathe accent walls (and yes my foyer has one but that wasn't planned...I will eventually get the other two walls papered with the ostriches) but something about a black one with surrounding white walls doesn't bother me as much...

Black Accent Wall

Black accent wall

Black accent wall paint

So...Tanzania everywhere or wild black animals on one wall?  

Please keep in mind that when you come up the stairs in my house, this room is directly in front of you, with Malcolm's room (colour scheme in there is pale pale blue walls, navy trim and accents of kelly green) and a black bathroom on the right...not sure if I want too dark rooms beside each other...sort of why I'm leaning towards the Tanzania plan...like that the background is white but...those animals...they're just so good.  Another plus on the Tanzania side though is that it would work be more time friendly...I'd have to rip those animals down when the kid turned into a teenager...I think the dots could stay up.

I'm also flipping back and forth on the rocker.

As you may remember, I saw that warn leather goodness in a local shop and have since discovered a few twinzies on 1st Dibs for like $10,000...

Modern French Rocking Chair

...which means the one I saw is a MAJAH score...and I LOVE it.

Trouble is, I've loooooong lusted after this number...

Maison Jansen Chrome Rocking Chair

...but is it too girly?

So, that's where I am on the room front.

To help spur my inspiration and decision making, I'll be having some of my absolute favourite bloggers share what they'd do in bambino's lair...stay tuned...fabo baby room designs will be coming your way starting in a couple of weeks.

And with that, I'm off to the pumkin patch with my little dude on my first school trip with him...excited.
