Thinking About 7 - #3

I'm writing this post at like 4:30 a.m...not idea what the hell but lately I've been getting up at a ridiculous hour.

The positives of this are that I get an hour or so with my computer, a cup of coffee and absolute silence...the flip side is that it makes for one long ass day.


Today I've got some random loveliness to share...

1. #projectscarlett is coming together at lightening speed and I have to tell you, I think it's my absolute favourite project of all 6 year old is absolutely getting the glamorous, frilly, pink and gold bedroom of my 38 year old dreams.

If you've been following along on Instagram, you know that the wallpaper started to go up yesterday....

...whoa Nellie

My curtains were delivered (shout out again to my neighbour and bestest design helper friend Hollie)...

...pom poms check...

...valance for over the bed/to conceal the stupid useless window that looks at another house and messes with my bed placement...check.

And at 9pm, thanks to the amazing girls at shop 219 (whose store PS, is going to take you all by one giant sweet storm when it opens), the most heavenly antique pink moire chair arrived...

...chair that really is too fabulous to be in a 6 year old's room/one that I really want to hoard for myself...check.

So all in all, I'm totally/absolutely smitten with what's happened and how the room is shaping up...and completely jealous of Ms Scarlett...lucky little red hed.

2. My favourite local store on earth, Petit et Jolis (GTAers...if you haven't been here, you're missing out on an absolute treasure trove of French antique goodness) has been delivering for me in spades lately...for one, my piece of wardrobe heaven was sent from the gods and delivered there...picking that bad boy up on Thursday.

As well, my other kid's room #projectlittlemiss is getting a fabulous boost from the shop...I met my client there yesterday and picked out a vanity, gold chair and the most divine dresser you ever did see.

Pictures and a full update on that soon but for now, I'll tell you that we're taking a closet, opening it up and transforming in into a little nirvana nook.


This sort of feel...

...and that kind of side storage...along with some bars for hanging kid pretty...

But with an antique dresser and mirror...which PS, are both WAY more fabulous than the one pictured below...

And closing bi-fold doors...

...that look like these...

{all via Pinterest...sorry for being lazy on the crediting front...can I use pregnancy as an excuse?}

It's going to be puuuuuuurdy.

3. Speaking of #projectlittlemiss...did you all hear about the opening of 
Lulu & Georgia?  Hellllloooo rug client and I are loving these romantic numbers...

...specifically, the turquoise one on the right.

Though...I'm also debating a Flokati under the bed/pale hid over in the settee nook option so stay tuned.

4. Some of you have been asking about my overdyed rug for the hallway and how I'm going about DIYing such a thing...I'm actually not...I happened upon a little shop that will source the size rug you want and dye it to your specifications...I'm actually featuring them in one of my upcomming Style at Home pieces so mums the word for now but all will be revealed in the November issue, which should be hitting shelves very very soon.

5. As Scarlett's room is getting done, my thoughts are starting to shift to what's going to happen in the of now, I'm convinced bambino is a girl but...the big gender ultrasound is in three weeks so I'm resisting really thinking about it until then...sort of...I do have a rough 'if it really is a girl' plan in mind and it centers around the glory that is Swan Lake from Nina Campbell...

Do you see the little hit of lilac in the lily pads?

Well...the room is going that direction...if I get my way;)

And...thanks to Bethany who sent me the link, these lamps MUUUUUUUUSSSSSTTTT happen...

Gah x a million.

7. Although I sort of have a plan in mind re: nursery, I was thinking of enlisting the help of some of my favourite bloggerista's on that your email box  friends...I might be hitting you with a nursery design board know how it goes:)

And with that, I'm off for now.

Keep your eye out on Instagram for more #projectscarlett sneak peeks today.

Peace out moonbeam lovers.
