GIVEAWAY!!!! Charles Emerson Designs

Since the holidays are all about giving, I've got some prezzies lined up for you...and ::whipsers:: most of them involve sparklies;)))

So...starting now and running right until Christmas, there will be a giveaway each week.

Up first, a little jewelry action courtesy of...

If you haven't yet checked out the fabulous that is this very budget friendly line of jewels, behold...

Pretty, pretty, pretty.

And for today, I'm so happy to tell you that you that the lucky winner of this here giveaway will get to pick between two pieces that aren't even available to purchase.

Yes my friends can enter to win your choice of this necklace/earring ensemble...

...or this one...

...most definitely a toughie choice.

To enter:

Leave a comment telling me which set you'd choose

For extra entries:

*pretty please with a cherry on top leave a separate comment for each*

1. Like Charles Emerson Designs on Facebook
2. Visit the CED and leave a comment telling me which piece is your favourite
3. Pin your favourite piece from the shop with the hashtags #jewelry #giveaway
4. Tweet about the giveaway
{enter to win some gorgeous jewelry from Charles Emerson Designs and @bijouandboheme}

So there you have it...5 chances...I'll be drawing for the lucky winner on Saturday.

Oh and just because you're the best readers in town, Charles Emerson Designs has generously offered up a discount code that will work as long as the giveaway is up and running.

For 20% off, use code GIVEAWAY20

Bon chance lovers.
