Good Stuff


It's still raining here...big surprise- not:(

On a happier note, I'm off to another ultrasound this morning- all is just wants to check on something so I'm taking it as a happy excuse to see bambino again.

And speaking of the little dude, I've made my first official #projectbaby purchase.

Unfortunately, the amazing leather rocker I showed you in all of my boards has already sold.

Sad face.

But...thanks to the fabulous Sarah over at 219, I was able to score this brass and cane beauty...

...for $60- was practically free and in perfect condition...thank you Jesus...thank you Sarah...thank you happy.

Because the rocker hails from Ottawa, it's currently residing in Sarah's living room- she even picked the thing up for me...have I mentioned how much I love her?  

And can we take a minute to speak about the heavenly room it's sitting in?

Matte black wall with built in shelves....Barcelona like day bed...amazing little black side table...

It would seem as though Ms Sarah has some serious style...soooooo looking forward to seeing more of her abode over on Two One Nine.

And since we're talking about #projectbaby, if you missed Nichole's amaze nursery plans from yesterday, make sure you have a little peek- so so good.

Moving on.

The fam jam and I enjoyed a rather low key Halloween.

The rain made for a short two street were cute...

...adults were costumes...and for the first time ever, no booze to keep us warm.

'Twas still oodles of fun though- kids on Halloween are just so darn fabulous.

And speaking of things that make you happy, did you see Naomi's reveal yesterday?

This living room she designed is INSANE TO THE MEMBRANE...

So in love with the entire thing...that settee...the wood fireplace with the logs...the mantle arrangement...the warn blue rug...and that black/marble commode with pink rock crystal all makes me weep with joy.

You can see more of this amazing transformation here.

High fives Naomi!

And with that, I'm off to get ready for today's baby viewing fun.

Stay cool y'all and happy weekend precursor day.
