The Show and a New Project

Morning friends.

I'm waking up after my big Steven and Chris TV debut knowing a few things:

1. when you're 6 months pregnant and 20 pounds heavier than you usually are (and yes...I'm on track for a record weight gain with this bean- just my luck), don't attempt to conceal said baby bump with tent like clothing- I know we're always our own worst critic but know what they say about TV adding 10 my case and in combo with bambino, it was more like 50.

2. my fuschia pink hair was fun while it lasted but I want a change...thinking of lopping it all off and doing a simple blondish bob of sorts- the extra weight combined with long hair is making me feel HEAVY!

3. though I get RIDICULOUSLY nervous before hand, I loooooveeee being on hoping I get to do more of it.

I'm sorry for you guys in the US...the web link won't work for's a CBC broadcasting copyright thing- my segment will play in the states though- I believe it's the Lifetime network and usually goes live a few months later than sister lives in Chicago and will be looking for it so I'll let you know.

For now, I screen captured some images of my vignettes to show you.

The preface of the segment was integrating pink into your decor so for the first look, we did subtle hits with accessories, pillows and flowers...


1. As I said before, I'm completely and utterly OBSESSED with the Hygge and West wallpaper...It must, must, must, must, must happen somewhere in my house.
2. I'm also pretty crazy about the artwork (Elte)- smoking nuns and leashed leopards in mirrored frames...can't go wrong.
3. The new location of Cocoon Furnishings in Oakville is insanely good...they were SO helpful in putting my vignettes together.

 For look two, we went balls to the wall with pink and switched out some of the pink accessories with more neutral/masculine ones to balance the whole thing out...


1. Manuel Canovas kills it EVERYTIME.
2. My 'Cricket' is a star in her own right...I can't tell you how many people asked me during and after the show where she is from...Leigh Viner is a genius.
3. That chandelier from Decorum really should be mine, along with the lucite obelisks.
4. The tiger know you want some of that those up from Shop 219.

So there you have it...a closer look at what I got up to on TV.

Moving on.

I'm excited to be starting work on a brand spanking new e-design makeover...let's call this one #projectdining.

The mandate of this re-do is to inject some modernity to the space, while also including some interesting antique/traditional other words, a fabulous eclectic space that leans a little more crisp and stream lined...perfect!

My client also indicated that she loved interesting lighting and brass...can I hear a HELL YES!

She sent over some inspiration images and from the pile, I'm zeroing in on this as an overall feel...

gray and gold

...with a little of this mixing goodness...

textured walls, black/white graphic rug, fabulous dining chairs, glass table

...also thrown in.

The client loves grey so we're going to go with that...she has three windows that I'd love to completely cover from ceiling to floor in sheer white panels...pretty much exactly like these from Sarah/219...

I'm actually going to send over this photo of Sarah's dining room as prime inspiration for the space- absolutely adore it.

Very excited to get this one started.

Happy day all.
