Updates - #projectlittlemiss #projectbaby and a Gift Guide


It's Wednesday...but damn if it doesn't feel like Friday.

On the positive side of things, who else is letting out a GIANT sigh of relief re: the US election?

THANK CHRIST is all I have to say.

That tea party business makes my brain want to explode.

Moving on.

I've got a few fun updates to share today...lots of stuff in the works.

To being with, #projectlittlemiss is trucking right along...new flooring has gone in and wallpaper is going up next week.

We've made a lot of purchases and as of now, the board is looking like this (please excuse crappy/no background removal...I finally got my fancy laptop back all fixed up, only to find out that it has some counterfeit version of Microsoft so now my good Powerpoint is on the fritz AGAIN...the computer pox sadly continues)...

Since my last update, we've:

1. bought 12 yards of amazing Schumacher lace fabric from the fabulous Shannon over at Designer's Attic...this loveliness will soon be made into hanging panels for the closet and a balloon shade for the window...pretty, pretty.

2. had the vanity we purchased from my favourite Petits et Jolis painted in a glorious Black Beauty by Benjamin Moore, with some added gold detailing...much like this...

black and gold chest


3. added these Lily Pulitzer pillows and foot stool from my friend/sponsor Pillotopia...

RESERVED for Alexis - Lily Pulitzer Tail Lights

RESERVED for Alexis - Lily Pulitzer Tail Lights foot stool

...along with this fun vanity chair...

RESERVED for Alexis - Vintage Vanity Chair

4. bought the most incredible bookcase from Black Rooster...

Pictures of Birdcage Bookcase - Black

...but in white...sadly the black was already sold out.

So...we're having it painted...I'd love your help on this actually...looking at the board above, what do you think?

I'd love a vote.

Choices are:

1. soft pink
2. mint
3. kelly green
4. black
5. something else entirely?

And I think that's all on #projectlittlemiss for now...stay tuned...install is happening as we speak so the final reveal should be before the new year!!

On another related note...is it obvious how much I adore my sponsor
Black Rooster?

I'm pretty sure I've used something from that shop in every board I've ever put together.

I'm particularly obsessed with some of their newly added goodies and have put together a little Holiday Shopping Guide shop with all of my favezies...if you're looking for a little of this action...

...for either yourself or the special people on your list...click HERE and shop away.

Oh how I'd LOVE someone to buy me that lucite/cowhide bench...and the Paule Marrot artwork...and the leopard and/or mink throw...

And finally for today...a little #projectbaby update...I've had a bit of a change of heart on this front...after working on the boards for a few weeks, I realized that they were starting to look/feel a lot like Malcolm's room (i.e. vintage navy library'ish') and I sort of want something really different...so, I'm considering moving in a more regency/glam direction.

I'm thinking of something along these lines...

Vintage awesomeness

...but with more layers.

I posted this photo last week I think...

...and I'm sort of obsessed with it...yes I love the two of them but it's more the style of the thing...just so perfectly dashing/handsome.

My question is, would be weird to have a giant size present day couple plastered on my baby's wall?

Have I dove off the proverbial deep end here?

Be honest.

Here's that board for reference...

 ...the scheme would be black, white, gold and indigo...the photo would be blown up mural size.

I've also come up with a slightly less bananas plan that keeps the dotty wallpaper and just adds a couple of vintage Palm Beach photos...

Also, instead of the basic glossy campaign, I sort of want to DIY this action...


Would love to hear your 5 cents.

