Baby, Baby, Baby Nursery - Vanessa of Decor Happy...and a Winner


So happy to be back and hoping you all had a fabulous holiday.

Ours was tremendous- lots to tell about our family adventure to Ohio but I'll save that for tomorrow perhaps.

Right now, I'm excited to share another edition of...

...along with the winner from our M Kaltenbach giveaway!!!!

First things first.

Spending a few days at a waterpark in a bathing suit/body wrap definitely drove home the reality that I am in fact spawning a child in a few months.

And since the new year is almost upon us, work on Little J's room is going to get started.

So...another delightful board couldn't come at a better time and today, I'm very happy to welcome my lovely friend Vanessa from...

decor happy

Vanessa was one of the first designers/bloggers that I met in real life and she's become a real friend over the past few years.

To say I ADORE what she put together for me would be a very large understatement...sort of obsessed with her design.


I'm so happy for Christine and her growing family and can't wait to meet the little bundle of cuteness next year.  It's no secret that Christine is a decor genius and little "J's" room is going to be beyond anything that's ever been done before.  No pressure when putting this together, right? This is my more restrained take on the room but has all the elements that Christine adores - wallpaper, art, gold, vintage and gorgeous fabric.

Vintage blue sofa - TBF (to be found)

Tres Bien no?
I love, love the Adler chandelier...think it's catapulted into my number one spot actually.
Also very enamoured with the wallpaper, lamps and quirky animal art...all of it in fact.
Total fabulousness all around...huge high fives Ms Vanessa!
As I've said before, narrowing all of this down is going to be very tricky Mc trickersons.
But since I don't have to sort it all out this very's giveaway winner time!!!
A humongous....
Ms Jenny...this gorgeousness is ALL  YOURS...
Please email me to make claim your amazing prize:)
And for everyone else, make sure you check out M Kaltenbach for yourself if you haven't already...her necklaces are totally beyond...this one in particular is very high on my wish list...
So yummy.
Yuletide smooches.