Baby, Baby, Baby Nursery - Pascale of Lust, Love, Live...and #projectbaby #projectlittlemiss

Thursday is baby day, so let's dive right in with another episode of...

Today, I'm happy to share a stunning board that came to me from a new friend, the very talented Pascale of Envie Interiors...she's the writer of 3...yes 3, smashing blogs (1.2.3), is the PR and design manager for 
Rachel Ashwell Couture and on top of that, owner and designer at her own firm Envie Interiors, located in the UK.

The dramatic board she sent me obviously stole my's full of whimsy and incorporates the kind of the furniture that makes my heart sing, and PS, my credit card hide;)


Coffee Table



Ceiling Light



How totally in love with that rug am I? 
That would be very.

If I ever manage to get a playroom really designed and done, I'm looking that bad boy up.

And can we talk about the wardrobe for a second?

After receiving this board, I linked over to the shop it hails from (Anaiza) quicker than a jack rabbit can hop and wowzer...proceeded to drop dead.

This in particular made me LOOSE. MY. MIND...

Too bad it's just a tad (and by tad, I mean WAY) over budget:(((

Ridiculously fabulous.

Thankfully, I can afford the other elephants on this board- those Vitra puppies for sure should happen in Little J's room.

I feel so so lucky to be getting these boards from all of you out many different ideas and takes on what a beautiful nursery is all about- just so incredibly inspiring.

Truth be told, I think it's made me almost scared to do the room- no matter what I do, I simply won't be able to incorporate all of your incredible ideas and gosh darn it, I want to.

You talented bitches be making this hard!!!

If you read yesterday's post, you know I'm debating lighting in the room right now- for some reason, whenever I design a space, this is the area that drives me most to distraction...probably because in my head space, it's the most important element...can totally make or break a room.

As of now, I'm pretty committed to the Egret lamps, even though I think the scale might be a little off- thankfully, 'genius/my house would be a shell itself if I didn't have him on my Rolodex, I mean iphone speed dial' Tim says he can shorten them a bit for me so...they just might end up being my first real purchase for the room.
And PS, please note by 1st purchase, I mean that I've bought NOTHING (aside from my Craigslist brass rocker and a sculpture of a nude anatomically correct buddha baby on a stick that is;) for the room yet...can't really believe that bambino is due in 9 weeks and so far, so little has been done- freaking out a bit.

Thankfully, along with the lamps, I've already got the crib (re-using the Oeuf I've had for both of my other kiddles)and a rug (more on that fantastic news soon).

And, though I'm in love with the olive burl business I showed yesterday, budget has helped me decide on this CB2 dresser instead...

I'm actually VERY smitten with the design of the thing.

Stay tuned though...this fellah is going to get a little special treatment...and by that I mean, it's visiting Tim before making its way in the room...'tis going to be even more smashing once he/I are done with it.
So I guess it's coming along.
But as I said, all of these fantastical boards are making me change my mind ALOT.
Boys room are hard like rock candy.
Girls are easier.
#projectlittlemiss for example...

I spent last night finalizing the bedding/pillow selections.
And it just came together so easily...granted, it's hard to go wrong with a Moroccan blanket, black/white polka dots, a hit of pink and some gold fabulous.

PS, I posted this shot on Instagram and many of you asked about the wallpaper and gold pillow.  The paper is Nina Campbell Perroquet- I ordered it through UK based, Tangletree Interiors and used a forwarding company to get it here- easy peasy.
The pillow is from my talented friend Hollie at Pillotopia...could eat that thing for pretty.
And I guess that wraps up everything for today.
I'm off for the ultrasound they missed booking for me last week...excited like Christmas morning...actually WAY more excited than that...think Christmas morning when you were 8...that's more like it;)
Happy day everyone.