Thinking About 7...#6

First let me just say that my brain has frozen due partially to pregnancy but mostly because it's literally -20 degrees outside... Celsius that is.  

I'm not sure what that is in US numbers but sufficed to say, it's effing murderously cold...the kind of cold that makes thinking/breathing/smiling/laughing...anything 'ing' in nature primo difficulte.

I just dropped red off at school and with a very hot coffee in hand, I'll attempt to get some sort of coherent post out...

Here it goes.

1. #projectbaby is progressing well.

I had my carpenter/do it all dude over last night and we mapped out what's happening on the walls...not sharing that tid-bit right now but it will be yummy.

Also, I've now got my eyes firmly planted on this baby... a an option for the satisfies well my need for something pretty and hubster loves the idea that he could actually sleep on it.

Of course, it's not exactly cheap...funnily enough, hubster laid out the moula situation by asking if I could sell it in 5 years or so for say, half the purchase price...his logic being that if it could be sold (when maybe we no longer needed it- like that will happen;) than you think of the cost of ownership as the difference between the two numbers...can I just say that the fact that his brain inherently knows how to rationalize a large purchase by using mathematical logic = SEX to the 'E'.

We shall see as it were.

On the flip side of the money coin, I'm considering one of these puppies for the ceiling light...

Cable Knit Lampshade  / Multifunction: Pendant & Standing Light  / Unique Knitted Home Decor - Gray

It's all sorts of fabulous in my humble opinion and rings in at less than $100 boneages.

I'm also continuing to debate art options...more on that later.

Oh and sconces...they are happening...once I decide on either black or white that is- leaning towards the later.

2. Dream House

I want this to happen.

And if it does, it will look just like this...before furniture that is...

floors and moulding

architectural details, glass entry doors after vestibule

floors and door moulding

...and it might have a bathroom that resembles this...

onyx vanity top and front- floating stone vanity

...and though I know highly unlikely, I'd give my left something for this sort of action...

the frame, the floors, the light, le sigh

3. Mac's Room
I'm planning on a few very small changes to my soon to me middle child's room.
For one, the Persian rug that was briefly in my foyer, is going for a test run in there...

...sorry for the blurry photo- no idea why that's happening.

In any case...approval?

4. I spoke of my girl's shopping trip on Monday...part of the reason we were out was to source stuff for case you might not remember, I'm slowly designing the entire house, after finishing #projectlittle miss...oh and PS on the later front, I promise a big reveal next week- just have to get my but over there to take some pictures.


Client and I officially decided on the Arteriors Caviar XL pendant for the ceiling...

...and Stark's Leopard AX in grey for the stair runner...
...tis going to be YUMMY!
Work begins in the next few weeks with the wall mouldings and then paint...I suspect a grande reveal will be ready right around baby time.
Very excited for this one.
The B&B Kanetix giveaway contines.
Remember, that $500 honest to goodness cash could be yours just for pinning or tweeting a photo/blurb about your dream home...I built in the buttons for you on the post so it's literally a matter of clicking a button...easy as peasy can be.
kinetixbutton_zpsd46e6f45 photo kinetixbutton_zpsd46e6f45-1_zps81e89d6c.jpg
6. Conduct
I just wanted to say a quick 2 cents about something that really bugged me last week.
While hosting one of my absolute favourite bloggers for a guest post, someone decided that it was a really good time to leave a nasty comment about said friend.
Please know that ANYTIME a derogatory comment is left about someone else on my blog, it will immediately be deleted.
As the old adage goes, if you don't have something nice to say...
I'm all for constructive criticism directed at me since this is my blog, but slanderous comments about others...let's just say that...
Mean Girls
{via} will NOT BE TOLERATED!!!!
7. Pregnancy and hair
The count down is on and I'm starting to freak out a bit...
...7 weeks left and wabam...mother of 4.
Holy Dinah.
Pray for me please.
I think my self conscious is slightly terrified as evidence by the fact that I've been chopping a few centimeters of hair off almost every night before bed- weird I know but it's happening.  I'm up to almost shoulder length at this point.
Advice needed...should I just bite the bullet and go to a professional for something like a blonde bob?
I swore after baby #2 that I would never again cut my hair when I was 25 pounds heavier and my cheeks looked like those of a chipmunk but...
Thinking maybe an option that doesn't involve me cutting more by my lonesome might be wise.
As always, your thoughts on all of the above are uber welcome.