Weekend #projectbaby Checks, Wallpaper and a Sale

Hello Monday non-lovers.

I trust you all had a beuno weekend.

Mine was good...got lots done and by that I mean I spent a lot of money.

On Saturday, me and two lady friends spent the day sourcing/shopping/lunching and buying.

It was grande.

My sweet friends bought me the mushrooms I had been lusting after for #projectbaby ....

{mink fur giant nursery fungi = Bijou squeals of delight}

...and I picked up a change pad tray, some rather pillows...

...and this sweet little brass elephant...

So yes, a very good day.

Well, except for a little run in I had after lunch with this psycho butcher dude who apparently though screaming and threatening a pregnant lady because she was 'stupid' (his words) enough to park in front of his meat shop, was OK...honestly the WORST altercation I've ever had in my life...scarier than this apparent 'I want to be a real life Ken doll' dude even...

This guy is obsessed with looking like the Ken Doll and has had over 90 plastic surgeries. It's scary that he's not done yet.

i.e. VERY frightening.

Thankfully, unwrapping my fruits of my shopping when I got home made up for nut job.

Sunday was also spent spending.

The family Dovey and I made our monthly pilgrimage to IKEA so that I could pick up this guy for the nursery...

...the grey veneer and gloss white doors make me very happy- especially since it set me back a grande total of $350 bones.

Sometimes IKEA really gets it mucho right.

What else?

Hum...oh yes...I spent hours sourcing/stressing over what kind of sofa/settee like thing I want in the nursery.

The practical part of me {which PS, is admittedly no where close to being the predominate voice} is maybe acknowledging that I should buy something budget friendly and comfy...BUT...the real me super duper wants this guy...

...from Black Rooster...please convince me that with some pillows, my 6'4" husband could totally catch some ZZZs on that thing.


In the meantime, and while we're on the topic of Black Rooster....get a load of what the most fabulously sweet owner sent me for bamino's room....

...i.e. faux fur throw nirvana.

Sooooo delish.

In other unrelated weekend news, I did some design work for a friend...more on that tomorrow.

For now, I'll sneak peek you some of the amazeballs wallpaper I sourced....

Are you still alive?

Me = dying over both.

Tres fabulous and the best part, NOT $$$$.

And speaking of budget friendly things, I've got a little announcement of sorts re...

I've been contemplating how I'm going to manage all my little outlets once babes arrives.

The thought of painting and shipping is sort of the thing that is throwing me over the 'I can't do everything' cliff so...I think Wink of Pink will likely experience a little vaca while I'm adapting to having 4 children.

So...I'd love to clear out some of what's in the shop.

And this is good news for you because the above decision is going to translate into a BIG SALE!

I've decided to offer 40% off all pieces over $100.

So, ladies like these...

...can be yours for WAY LESS MONEY.

{and use code 'holiday' to redeem your 40% off}

And with that bevie of blog stuff, I think I'm dunzo for today.

Cyber smooches,
