Baby, Baby, Baby Nursery - Bailey of Peppermint Bliss

Happy Thursday lovers.

I love today because:

1. it's baby check-up and ultrasound time...I get so excited for it every week.

2. it's... and I'm extra excited because I get to welcome one of my designing/blogging idols, Bailey of...

 Now I know you all are well versed in the magic that is this girl's style, aesthetic and keen wit but since I have a minute here, I might as well wax poetically about it/her for just as jiffy.

I'm basically obsessed with Bailey's and her ballzy self.

I adore how she's not afraid of colour or pattern and love her all the more because she always embraces so much whimsy in her designs...I sort of feel like she's my 'pusher' if you will...and by that, I mean that when I'm sitting at home alone with my computer and design boards, images in my head of her home(s) always make me feel insanely inspired...her latest black and marble bathroom for's completely the one I've had in my head forever and if I could, I'd replicate it to a copy cat styles...I'd take the heat for the replication, just so I could revel in the beauty that was my bathroom...yup I would.

Anyhoo...I love her...clearly.

And when she sent over not one, but TWO baby boards, I became that much more enamoured.

Here's why...


Loveseat (call for availability)

Loveseat- (call for availability)

I mean really right?

The wallpaper selections along have me all hot and bothered like and I've been lusting after that peach goddess of a Biscuit loveseat FOREVES.

Oh and that malachite dresser in the second board...holy sweet mother of fart.
It's all just like a giant chococate popsicle on a hot summer day....yuuuuuummmeeeee.

And speaking of things that taste delicious, #projectbaby got a little kick in the pants yesterday with the delivery of my Mouille knock-offs and hand forget brass metal art...

The lettering is done by an amazing artist named Paul Smotrys (Gauge NYCthat I discovered through a store called Gleena Ceramics.

I was browsing the beautiful selection of goodies from Gleena and came across a series of metal script types but alas, they were much too small for what I was looking for.

A quick email to the shop owner, along with a few exchanges with the artist, and voila...I had my very own, hand made brass script commissioned and on its way.
I'm all kinds of obsessed with it.

And since I know some of you really want to know where the sconces came from, I purchased those bad boys at one of my Toronoto favourity 'must hits' for all things interesting/vintage/cool, MORBA.

They set me back about 1/6th the price of the real delios.
Very pleased.

And speaking of things that are satisfying me, a huge thanks to everyone who case their vote in yesterday's 'Great Sconce Debate'.

I've tallied the votes so far and it looks like #3 and #5 are in the lead, with #2 and #17 tied for second place, and #6, #10 and #18 rounding out the top 3...we'll see what happens today and I'll order up the winners tomorrow...PS, my favourites were the two hollywood dressing room/light bulb options (#11 and #13)...apparently very few of you agreed with me since they were both tied for 2nd last place:(

If you haven't personally told me what to do yet, please do so...will love you forever.
