White and Black...a la Para Paints...and Some Goodies

** This post is brought to you by Para Paints **


Today is a special one for me because in a few short hours, I'm off with the kidlets to the airport to pick up my sister and niece.

They're visiting in hopes of being here when Baby J decides to make his grande appearance but even if that doesn't happen in the next 5 days (though PLEASE GOD SAY IT WILL,) I'm soooooo happy they'll be here for a wee visit...tres excited to have family so close.

So...I'm going to keep today's post short and sweet...well that's the idea anyways...concise isn't my forte.


As I told you yesterday, the basement is coming together...really we just have the pretty left to do (aside from the door installation and finishing off the bathroom fixtures).

One of the elements that's made me the most happy is the paint.

Thanks to Para Paints, I was able to get all the walls done in a fresh and clean white, which is PS, what I now want to coat every wall in my house in...sort of obsessed lately with the whole white, grey, black, gold palate.

Anyhoo...I decided to go with Para 'Snowfall' on all the walls, ceiling and trim...

Apparently, it's Sarah Richardson's favourite trim colour so I'm ahead of the game there;)

Jen (Rambling Renovators) tried out a few whites when doing her basement reno and helped me with cololur selection...this board she did up shows the tone of 'Snowfall' really well...

...it's a real white with a slightly warmish/creamy tone...perfect for what I was after.

I decided to do everything in this one colour, just to keep things modern and fresh...the only variation is that walls and trim are in eggshell and the ceiling is done in flat.

Looking at that board above, take note of 'Chrysler Hall White'...it's a slightly cooler white and it's what I've picked for my staircase...along with Para's 'Black' (both in a semi-gloss finish,) the stairs are already looking much improved...

And just wait until the runner goes on them, and fancy moulding gets applied to those walls...yum.

Along with the eggshell on the walls, flat on the ceiling, and semi-gloss on the stairs, I've got one more finish tid-bit to share.

After seeing a little glossy magic from Nicole (Sketch 42,) I decided to follow her lead and go with a full high gloss party in the bedroom...

...it's a very dark room so having the gloss to bounce light off of, is all sort of aces...rather in love with how it looks and considering doing the same in my living room...have adored the pink but thinking it's time for something a little less feminine.

And I think that pretty much sums up the paint story for now.

Now...I've got some basement questions/considerations for you:

1. I'm thinking of covering the fireplace surround in the 'Snowfall' as well, so that it blends into the wall...

...not sure if I want to leave the plaster detailing as is, cover it in the white or enhance it with some gold...thoughts?

Just for an FYI before making a decision, the inside box will be painted black.

2. The mirror and fixtures are making their way up in the bathroom...

...and my sconce dilemma continues.

I had chosen to go with the winner of your little vote off but alas, a mistake was made cutting the wholes and because they were originally done slightly unevenly  I need to select something that has a larger backplate.

I was browsing the latest/most fabulous issue of Lonny and spotted my very mirror...

...in the amazing home of fashion stylist Jennifer Jansch.

I'm sort of loving the combo of mirror and glass globe sconces.

Another option is these guys, which would tie in both the gold and black...

...or one of my original favourites, which are sort of like what might happen if the two choices above made a sconce love baby...

I know I've asked you for your help on this once already, but any secondary opinions would be very appreciated...please note the brass fixtures I've got- they're definitely not a standard finish so I'm still thinking something that isn't brass might be best.

3. I spotted this pillow on OKL this morning...

Deco 12x18 Pillow, Ivory

...and though it's a MAJOR pain in my ass to order from there since they still don't ship to Canada (which is sooooo blinking annoying,) I think I might need it.

Worth the hassle?

Thinking it would accent these delightfully cheap and cheerful Etsy numbers rather well...

20"  Ancient Symbols Pillow Cover

I just wish I had the funds to also snap this guy up too...

A Lacquered Goatskin Scroll Form Coffee Table

...she's so damn purdy/damn budgets.

Please enlighten me with your infinite sconce wisdom on all fronts.

And while you're at it, please also say a prayer to the labour/baby gods that little dude arrives soonly.

