Some Changes Up in Here

Good day lovelies.

The sun is shining here and it's actually supposed to reach double digits so count me happy, happy.

On the flip side, I have a wee problem and I need any and all advice you smarty pantsies can dish out.

Please, please tell me how to help a gassy baby...I've never had one and I feel TERRIBLE when I hear my little peanut grunting half the night from a sore tummy.

Are there foods I should cut out to help him?


Gripe water?

Anything you've done that has helped/any sage advice would be SO appreciated.


In other news...I'm continuing to work on our wee abode and have decided on some small changes on the mainfloor.

As much as I adore pink, I'm feeling like I want to tone it down a bit and go a bit more neutral.

So...the living room is going to be painted white...and moulded up like the hallway.

As well, I'm going to play around with some of my artwork to add a touch more masculinity to the place.

And...I'm de-chauchsking a bit too...want things cleaner/more sculputral etc. etc.

As part of this plan, I'm moving the chinoiserie cabinet from the living room to the basement.

I'm thinking of having it painted black and using it for bathroom/linen storage...a little something like this...

It could also go upstairs and serve the same purpose.

I'm also hoping to move the brass fixture in the living room downstairs, and put a ceiling Mouille (knock off) in its place.

Oh and the TV on the credenza wall is going- we're putting a big one downstairs so I'm hoping to just rid the living room entirely of television since we rarely watch it in there anyways.

So...stay tuned...come cheap but big changes are happening around here.

As for #projectgetroomsreadyforkids...things happened yesterday and will continue to get done today.

We're starting on built ins, with IKEA cabinets lining the hallway and art ledges being strung this...

I'd like to do a combo of leaning art and family photographs so that the cabinets and frames line the whole hallway.

Next, we're going to install my antique doors on a track and hopefully fill the holes with frosted glass...would love to have 'laundry room' written in like this...

And I think that's it.

As for the bathroom, the shower door frame went in yesterday and is all ready for glass..

Pretty darn excited about that little piece of goodness.

Oh and for those of you who have asked about the fixtures, they're Kohler Purist:)

I hope to get a towel rack up and a little side table/stool to house some or two art prints will also be stuck up on the walls at some point.

And that's all I have for now.

Again, baby advice thank you need!!!


