Jasper's Nursery Reveal in Style at Home Magazine!!!!!

Today's an exciting day around here because I get to reveal Jasper's nursery!!!

I feel incredibly honoured that the fabulous folks over at Style at Home thought his room magazine worthy and am beyond thrilled with how the spread turned out...

Even more exciting, the actual story itself was written by yours truly...such a dream come true to be given the opportunity to write a feature article...couldn't be more tickled about the whole thing.

I'll be sharing  more photos of Jasper's actual room in the weeks to come but for now, here's a peak at the magazine images...

 A GINORMOUS thank you to all the incredible editors/writers/photographers at Style at Home...so delighted to be even a small part of your amazing team!

And to everyone who as already left such sweet comments on FB, Twitter and Instagram...giant, giant kisses and love- means the world to me.
