Obsessed and Video Proof

A few weeks ago, I took part in my friend Hollie's series, '25 Things You Don't Know About Me' and in case you missed it, here was my list...

1. I used to be a grade 3 homeroom/art teacher...and before that I wanted to be a psychologist

2. I was born on the 7th day of the 7th month and weighed 7 pounds and 7 ounces...consider 7s super duper lucky

3. Our family has 6 members...you now know how I like 7s...pretty sure my husband will divorce me if he reads this

4. I have slight OCD tendencies- can't leave the house with the beds unmade or things lying around on the floor...a sink full of dishes is totally acceptable to my brain though

5. I was born in Vancouver (and lived there twice,) grew up mostly in Ontario but consider PEI to be the place where my heart is the happiest

6. My eldest daughter Natasha was actually my student way back in 2002...I was her teacher the year her mother passed away...a few years later, her dad took me out to thank me for all the extra time I had spent with her and shortly after that, we got married...I legally adopted my sweeet big girl shortly after that and now, we're one big happy family

7. I'm pretty sure that I've been dehydrated for at least the last 20 years...my daily drink routine basically goes coffee, decaf coffee, sip of something, glass of wine

8. Watching streamed TV on my computer is basically my life

9. I have weirdly small hands and feet- people are often surprised that I can balance on the nubs I call toes

10. I had red hair until I was about 7...so hoping my daughter's actually stays put

11. Chocolate has to be stored in the freezer as far as I'm concerned...frozen white chocolate Lindor balls are responsible for at least 5 of the pounds I want to loose

12. I hate zoos...the caged up chimps always make me feel like humans suck

13. The only thing I hate more than zoos is guns...loathe everything about them with a fiery passion

14. Speaking of hate, I hate the word hate...and the word moist for that matter...love, love, love comeuppance though

15. I've never really been religious but have been in the room with both my Nana and my mother-in-law when they passed away and am pretty damn sure that when you die, you really do float away to a better place

16. A caricature artist once asked my husband to  list all of our common interests and we literally couldn't come up with a single damn thing- we are total and complete opposites

17. My daughter recently bought me a N'espresso machine and I now literally fantasize about my morning coffee as I'm drifting off to sleep...before getting the machine, I thought instant coffee was totally awesome- my friends almost dis-owned me for this

18. Kelly Wearstler is my number one giant girl crush...everything she touches is magic sauce in my eyes

19. I haven't traveled nearly enough...which probably has something to do with the next point...

20. I absolutely adore being bored

21. I'm supercalafragalistic sentimental

22. When drying my hair, I always close my right eye- so weird

23. I have wicked awesome control of my top lip...have a bunch of party tricks related to my ability to snarl well

24. I envy artists who can really draw/paint more than anyone- so jealous of other people's artistic talents

25. My family is like 8th generation Canadian, which I find pretty awesome...unfortunately, this lineage also 
means that me and the kids have skin that's so white, it pretty much glows in the dark

I'd like to draw you attention to a few of these at the moment just cause I'm in the  mood for a relatively pointless post that is hopefully slightly entertaining;)

#8...I'm currently in the midst of a Million Dollar Listing NY marathon....for any of  you who watch it, can we talk about the 'marble house'...holy shizzle...EXACTLY what I want for #projectdreamhouse...only I'd like the pool outside thank you please.

I clipped a photo of the staircase and railing to show my architect...black spindles, brass railing, marble stairs...want, want, want...

...sorry for the blur.

And speaking of want, I spied this action on Jeff Lewis and Mary McDonald's new show Property Envy...

...and am now lusting large over the idea of a covered/pillared porch dripping in Wisteria...


#9...I was at pilates last night and the instructor finally believed me that my toes seemed to have no bones int them so asked me how I was able to walk and then proceeded to crack/break all of them...speaking of having a hard time walking...not cool teacher, not cool.

#18...I'm more obsessed than ever and my ever growing list of Kelly Wearstler wish list items just keeps getting longer and longer...at present, I'd jump up and down like a 4 year old in a bouncy castle for each and every one of these supreme delights...

...want it all large styles.

#23...I have drunken proof of said lip control...

Ha...how's that for a party trick...can you tell I don't get out much these days;)
