On the Brain

Hello friends...I know it's Tuesday and really my 'hope you had a good weekend' post should have been yesterday but well...it was my birthday on Sunday and after a BBQ with some amazing friends that lasted well into Monday morning, this girl had to spend most of yesterday recovering...apparently being in your very late 30s makes the rebound notably more difficult;)

In other news, this happened in my city yesterday and it was CRAZYTOWN...scary to say the least.

...and note, that amount of rain happened in 2 hours...the other records were over the course of a day...and they were PS, hurricanes.

A friend of mine and I were talking this morning and agreed, if you think that global warming isn't happening, you're dumb.

Anyhoo...most importantly, I so hope everyone out there in Toronto is safe and sound this morning!

What else...oh yes...my 3.5 month old is teething all blinking ready...the two center bottoms are coming in and he's drooling like mad/not sleeping...suckage large.

I woke up this morning after about 2 hours of sleep and told my husband to take the baby with him while he got ready...his response went something like "but I have to shower"...to which I calmly responded "how the hell do you think I shower everyday...there's a portable bassinet in there and you put him in that"- to which, he 'happily' agreed, albeit with the obvious undertones of "I'm such an awesome husband for really going the extra mile here"...to which, I felt this...

...moving on;)

The combo of a seemingly never-ending hangover, no sleep and rainapocalypse means that my brain feels scattered...so for today, I thought I'd just post some pretty stuff that's caught my eye as of late...

Climbing roses and sculpted shrubs

...every single thing about this makes me happy- #projectdreamhouse will have climbing roses and my god, I'd love a little to make an outhouse twinzie to this one.

Speaking of the house to come, as if my furniture wish list wasn't long enough...

...I NEED this.

...and also this...

Maitland Smith Abstract Inlaid Stone Pedestal via 1stdibs

...and this...

Blackman Cruz Harlow Bench

...and in the art department...these guys...

Portrait Art Print

Ink Lips Art Print

What else...this mirrored 'more' installation is INCREDIBLE...

NEED that mirrored MORE

...as is this house, belonging to master Tom Ford...

Tom Ford's house

I'm pretty convinced that a white stucco facade in some sort of block form, must happen for #projectdreamhouse

I love how this one...

white stucco mixed with some modern

...mixes in some uber modern goodness...totally the feel I'm after.

Also, seeing this Suzy Hoodless wallpaper in this room...

Sitting in a Tree

...has made me fall in love with it all over again...thinking Scarlett's new room might like some of that action.

And while we're still on the new house vein, this space...


...is totally being used for my husband's office inspiration...thinking our existing living room sofa  in charcoal will be colour-matched for the lacquered/paneled walls.

And finally, on a completely unrelated to anything note, this lake in Australia needs a mention...

Lake Hillier, Australia. The only naturally pink lake in the world.

...ridiculously cool.

Happy Tuesday love fritters.
