The Dream House Diaries #9- Wallpaper has his first sickness...fever and a stuffy nose:(((((

Total and complete suckage- we're supposed to be leaving for vaca on Friday but mama is not driving for 20 hours with a sick bambino...please send speedy get well thoughts his way. xx

After only a couple hours of sleep last night because of said poorly baby, this post might end up being a little scattered but I'll try my best.

Today's topic...

...and more specifically...what I'm doing with the walls in said dream house.

As you know, my main vision is wrapped up in a neutral palate of white moulded walls...I'm happy and in love with this always, blog reading has its downfalls...just when you're sure of a direction, good old bloggers go and showcase things that turns it all on it's head.

First there was this Lindsay Cowles heaven done by Alex over at Things That Sparkle...

...and then Bailey over at Peppermint Bliss and her 'projectholly' came in and furthered the brain SPINNING.

I mean look at this business...

She's literally and blissfully resuscitated my love for in a LARGE AND IN CHARGE WAY.

Birds and Butterflies has been on my lust list forever and seeing it with the black trim...can we say new house playroom anyone.

And the B&F Guermantes...COME ON!  I'm thinking Scarlett must must have this in her bedroom....I showed it to her and as no surprise, she's insisting on the pink colourway, which is a whole lotta pink...

...though, Cole and Son's bespoke Gucci has always been my number one favourite for her...

Cole & Son / Gucci wallpaper

Along with these, I'd also love to figure out how to use...

porter teleo wallpaper

...this Porter Teleo bliss...mahybe for the dining room or Natasha's room?

And this classic favourite...

...aka Martinique.

And then there's this bookshelf nirvana from Mineheart...

...would really love some of that action.

Malcolm's room is going to get this Brian Flyn 'Imperial Forces' coolness...

And Makelike's succulent in pink could make for one wicked powder room... could this B&F guy...

And for the master, those who have been reading my blog for a while know that this O&L Davidia white and silver loveliness has been on my list FOREVER...

...and will happen.

Some other random tried and true faves...

...Thibault's Tanzania...and their Etosha for that matter...

And a new fave (thanks to the owner of this fabulous house)...Farrow and Ball's Ocelot...

Oh and then there's this from Cuff Home...

Cuffhome_OKL_005_02_02.jpg could be pretty swank in my studio (if I get one of those)...

What else???

Emerald grasscloth perhaps...

emerald grass cloth // phillip jeffries

...yup, that would be pretty swell.

As would this metallic marvel from Flat Vernacular...

Folded – Paper

Folded – Paper


And in the most coveted collection...ANYTHING de Gournay...

...though that's sort of a pipe dream...thankfully, I might be able to get my chinoiserie fill with one of these new panels from Black Rooster...

Pictures of Silk Screen Panels - Crimson Birds (set of 2)

Pictures of Silk Screen Panels - In the Night Garden (set of 2)

Pictures of Silk Screen Panel - Single Songbird


So what do you think?

Paper the shit out of the place or go paneled neutral?

My thinking for now is white on the main floor, and paper in the bathrooms and bedrooms...a nice compromise between my maximalist tendencies and minimalist wantings.
