Wohoo...Friday has come...thank gawd!
I've had one heck of a busy week and happy to think about tomorrow coming...more on that towards the end of this post;)
Up now though...

It's exciting times around Black Rooster because the store has just introduced beds to their line of furniture fantastica...so in honour of that, I've put together a BR version of this bedroom oasis...
Pretty sure that one day I'll need a mirrored headboard-love the antiquing on this BR beauty...accessorized with some solid black and/or graphic pillows and a soft rabbit throw, you have the makings for one heavenly bed. At the foot of the bed, this lacquered desk/console is perfection...especially when accompanied by this grey column lamp and soft velvet stool. Alongside the desk, the
French inspired chair makes for the perfect bedroom seating area...especially when placed atop BR's plush Dutch Berber rugs. And of course, what master would be complete without a little nude sketch action...though I'm usually opt for 'feminine' nakedness when it comes to art, this dude is indeed rather fetching.
In other news, #projectwholehouse got some real purdy goodies this past week.
For one, the Currey and Co Bevilacqua chandelier arrived, courtesy of the uber fabulous/I'd be a shell of a decorator without them 219...
...and I have to say, she's bloody perfection.
Speaking of things that are damn near religious...behold Stark's Leopard AX in silver...
...let's just say she was worth the wait.
These two most lovely additions mark the almost completion of the foyer...we have some accessorizing to do and then she'll be ready for her official 'after' reveal...stay tuned on that front.
And finally, I have to brag a wee bit about the super amazing Saturday I'm about to have.
For one, I can't wait to spend the day here...
...catching up with my long lost blogging buds and learning a thing or two while I'm at it...good times
And after that, I'll be zipping home to get ready for the official launch of my daughter's show...
For everyone in Canada, the show will be premiering with 4 episodes...
*** Tomorrow at 7pm on Treehouse ***
In the meantime, you can watch a clip and the intro HERE...or play their brand spaking new video games HERE.
To say we can't wait would be one ginormous understatement...so so excited.
So with that, I'll wish you all a super duper great weekend...oh and don't forget to enter my current giveaway to win your choice of prints from Fall into London-

...draw happens Sunday.
PS...thanks to my cute little friend here...

...this post took 2.5 hours to finish- good times;)