Theros PreRelease Event

Happy Saturday MTG peeps,

Magic: the Gathering players around the world are crammed into local game stores cracking packs of Theros, the latest set from Wizards of the Coast.  Here at MTG Realm we attended the midnight pre-release event at OMG! Games here in Barrie, Ontario, Canada-Land where a good crowd of about 45 gamers played from midnight to almost 5:00 am this morning.  We were half expecting some of the players to come dressed in togas to get the full experience going with this ancient Greek mythology-themed set. 

Anywhoos - let's have a look at this short video from the PreRelease - -


We went with the white 'Path of Honor' prerelease pack and were quite happy to predominantly white in our booster packs 


Our MVP for the evening was Evangel of Heliod which drops 1/1 white soldier creature tokens commensurate with our devotion to white - and - more than once we also had the Spear of Heliod out to anthem 'em up.

We performed not too badly going 2 wins 2 losses.  The first loss we'll blame on silly game mistakes and the second loss down to draws and mana.  All in all, a great time had.