Happy Wednesday MTG peeps,
This weekend, Magic: the Gathering players will converge upon local gaming stores around the world to participate in the Theros PreRelease event. Similar to the Return to Ravnica block sets, gamers will have the opportunity to choose one of five Theros PreRelease packs which will contain just about everything you need for an amazing afternoon (or morning) of great gaming. A few players we know will be attending more than one event to collect additional PreRelease Promos, cards, and a chance to win prizes.
Here at MTG Realm, we'll be going to our favourite Card Shop, OMG! Games here is Barrie, Ontario and will provide coverage of the Theros prerelease event so look for those posts after the weekend. Anywhoos - here's the info you need to know if you find yourself in Central Ontario (just north of Toronto) this weekend -
OMG! Games
130 Bell Farm Rd., Barrie, Ontario
Close to highway 400 and Georgian College.
(705) 721-4263 www.omggames.ca
Date & Times
Saturday Sept 21st : 12:00am (Friday Midnight) / 10:00 am / 3:00 pm / 7:30 pm
Sunday Sept 22nd : 11:00am / 4:00pm (Two-Headed Giant)
Format - Sealed Deck — Each player receives a Prerelease Pack containing

For these events, players may use the promo card included with the Prerelease Pack in their tournament deck.
Two-Headed Giant — Each team Two Pre-release packs for constructing two decks with.
Cost & Prizes
$35 For all regular sealed events
4-0 record receive 16 packs Theros
3-0-1 record receive 12 packs Theros
3-1 record receive 8 packs Theros
$60 Two Headed Giant ($30/player)
Prizes given out based on attendance. Win against the Owners in swiss rounds and receive 2 additional prize packs.
5 Pre-Release Special – $150 enters you in any five events.