Wall Colors and Wardrobes

Greetings from my bed! I have that weird allergies-turned-cold-turned-sinus-infection situation that seems to be going around. I feel well enough to get up and try to accomplish something in the morning and usually an hour or two in, I'm totally wasted and I crawl back into bed a broken woman. It's killing me to waste so much time (it's been days now!).

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Today I was laying here in bed (which is a really special set up - a mattress on the ground!) and staring at the wall color. I decided Knoxville Gray would be better in the master than on the built-in bookshelves. Last night I got about half the room painted before I started to feel bad again.

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You can see in the photo that we picked up some IKEA Pax units recently. Three 40" wide units for the bedroom wall that is shared with the closet. Michael and I will use the storage units for shoes and for some folded clothes.

We bought white units, but I think I'm going to spray them Knoxville Gray tomorrow or Friday. I love painting something the same color of the walls.

I want to add some special hardware, just like Emily added (here).

Or Jen from Made By Girl.

Tommy Smythe added vintage brass knobs to his built-in Pax units. I love how the black paint looks here. So lovely.

I want to create a similar vanity situation on the inside of one of the units too (for my jewelry mostly).

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Style at Home

And something like this is of course so stunning! I love the Venetian mirror and the details on the trimwork. 

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Fresh Home

What have you done to spruce up your Pax units? We bought the same doors that Jen from Made by Girl has above and I'm thinking about adding mirror to the insets. I think it could be pretty with the dark gray paint color.