I know what you're thinking...PS Christine, it's Thursday.
I'm aware and behind a day, thanks to my ever continuing computer saga/funk.
After coffee-gate, husband came home with a new machine- works great on most fronts but unfortunately, it seems to have a very hard time staying connected to the internet- anyone ever have this problemo before? If so, please share fix...'tis driving me batcrazy.
So, I'm posting what I had thought about on Wednesday today...forgive me.
I've been really loving putting together style boards on the new Polyvore 'Home' site (PS, if you are already on there, follow me up buttercup...I'll of course do the same in kind) ...uber fun.
I thought it might be fun to share those pieces that are occupying the wish list chunk section of my brain at the moment...each week that is...in moodboard form...
As of October 3rd, these are the things I want hard...
And because of some big news...I might actually have to pull the trigger on some of these bad boys...turns out that my house is getting photographed for two online magazines and my next segment of
Steven and Chris...in the next few weeks...cue stomach pits....and excited face.
All of this means that I have a big old excuse to get some shit done...which in turn means, I can shop a wee bit- time for the old credit card has to be dusted off (not that it ever gets that dusty;)
I'd love to hear which of the above pieces you think I need to make everything delightalicious.
Let's start top left...these Chalk White sconces are a must for me and I'd love to see them hung in the same room as those beautious Maitland Smith emerald pedestals...they are just sooooooo delightful. I spoke yesterday about that anewall mural- can't wait to get it up in Scarlett's new room avec #projectdreamhouse...because it's for the new place though, it isn't on the 'right now' list. The Mouille like ceiling fixture, however, is happening now- ordered it yesterday for the living room- the brass fixture that is there now will move to the basement and for the foyer, I'm planning on snapping up the Trillion masterpiece that has been on my list or literally years. In the artwork department, I'd love a supersized modern portrait like this one, along with the neon sign from my new favourite shop 47 Park Avenue. And as for the furniture list, I'm hoping to add a hooded/dome chair thanks to Black Rooster, a Bernhardt black and gold chest from 219, this Made Goods resin coffee table, an armless sofa like this fuchsia number, the utterly gorgeous Dynasty screen (another long time wish list dweller,) a pair of black leather chairs (already purchased...hoping these will go in the new office at #projectdreamhouse) and finally, that unbelievable console...on that front, my contractor/carpenter extraordinaire is going to build a version just for me...I was incredibly inspired by Jessica's IKEA hack version and have been wanting to create one of my ownzies forever- sadly though, I could never ever DIY it on my own- amazed by Jessica's mad skills on that front...so for me, contractor it is. Oh and the pillow...loving this creamy white fulled lady.
And just so you don't think I'm crazy for buying stuff for a house we're leaving, anything purchased (including light fixtures,) will most definitely be making the trip down the street with us.
So what say you?
If you were picking a few pieces from this list, which would they be?