It was Thanksgiving here in Canada this past weekend...and I had a good one.
Mostly it was super because I spent it with family...duh, they're what I'm most thankful for.
But, this year was also extra beuno because lots of prettiness came together here at the abode.
So if you asked me what I'm thankful for this year, here's the proverbial list...
1. I'm thankful for pretty china that was passed down to me, gold flatware I scored on eBay for a song a few years back, orchids of any and all varieties, and the set of crystal glasses my sweet Nana gifted to us for our wedding...
2. I'm thankful for this vintage table I found at Patina...local goodies that don't require me to incur crappy duty/shipping costs make me happy...
3. This set of black patent leather chairs that I got for such a fabo deal as part of Black Rooster's flash sale...
4. Nicole over at Sketch 42 for helping me discover the joy that is the black sharpie...
5. New furniture arrangements that make you fall in love with old stuff again...
6. An extraordinary carpenter...
...who can look at a picture I show him for inspiration and create this piece of furniture nirvana...
...from 4 days.
So yes, Thanksgiving 2013 was a good one...feeling very lucky/grateful these days.