This day off thing is getting to be a bit of a problem...need to get my act together;)
In any case, I missed this yesterday... here she goes.
If you read this seemingly controversial article (PS, I'll never understand why/how people can get their shorts so in a knot about such'll know what I'm talking about if you read the HUGE debate that ensued in the comment section- some people need to drink more wine I think:) about masculine and feminine decorating on Apartment Therapy... might have noticed that my living room (as shot by Donna Griffith for Style at Home) was the first image in their bank of 'feminine' looks...

...and I can definitely see why it was used to provide girly styling examples.
Thing is, as of late, I've really been wanting to tone down all the pretty as it were...I've been craving some hard ugly to balance it all out.
And to that end, I've been making some small changes here and there.
First, I switched out the brass ceiling fixture, which I LOVE so much more in its new home in the basement...
...for my long beloved Mouille (in knock off form...mama has kids to feed;)...

I've also been moving pillows around and swapped out all the pink for these tiger beauties from 219...
And on the settee, I removed the chevron like ones (now in the master) and put my single tuxedo lover...
Aside from that, I've also been de-accessorizing...I'm wanting to have pieces really shine in a sculptural way so I guess I'm sort of playing with a concept I never thought I would...'less is more' as it were...

Stay tuned for a bigger room re-arrange that will see some pieces go and maybe, just maybe some new pieces come in...but in a 'less stuff' way;)
I'd LOVE to start with these goodies...

I mean have you EVER???
I NEED reeeeeeeaaaaaalllll bad.
Also, these...

I've been wanting a pair of Alkies for EVAH!!!
And these...sweet jesus... orgasm right there.
PS...all of these goodies are from an ah-maaazing Chicago store my ah-maaazing #projectvicarious client sent my way...I was literally up pouring over their site at 3am (email me for the source link if you're interested...I'm not quite ready to give it away yet- not until I maybe purchase those things above;)
Also on the list, an ugly cocktail table of some variety...having a hard time with that one.
I like these JA numbers (PS, I find he's KILLING it lately- want alot of things on that site)...
...but none are quite right.
I also found this guy on 1st Dibs...

...and am mulling on that.
In the little things department, and again on the JA front, I love these stuffed dudes...
Also, I did this light from BR...
So yeah...I need to win the lottery- clearly.