Friday Fancies - Art to Outfit

Morning Friday goers.

It's outfit time...and since it's just starting to feel like fall here, I thought I'd give you a little 'thank god it's cool enough to wear and trench and I really want an Emerson Fry leopard one' ensemble...and today, it's brought to you by this amazing work...

...tres fabulous.

If I was rad/rich enough to own this goddess photograph, I'd surely be also cool enough to wear this matching frock...

For now, I can dream about the day when:

a. I can afford to buy every painting/piece of art I want
b. I return to my normal/pre being knocked up size and can maybe contemplate owning leather pants...though with this being my 3rd bambino, the possibility of that every happening is slim at best

Anyhoo...if you're a football person, this week's official Friday Fancies theme is game wear so you can link over HERE to view the outfits.

Later jelly bean lovers.
