Gatecrash UltraPro LineUp

Happy Thursday MTG peeps,

We know we already fed you a post earlier today (MTG Realm Tumblr Thursday), but we did not want to wait until tomorrow to share this particular Magic: the Gathering news with you - another Gatecrash spoiler.  This time, the Ultra•Pro product lineup to contain and protect your new Gatecrash cards due out in February, 2013.

Thanks to a toy distributor in Australia who may have jumped the gun just a titch early, we have images of all of the ULTRA PRO - Magic: The Gathering Gatecrash products.  No surprises really.  As we expected, the art featured will correspond similarly to what was chosen for Return to Ravnica.  We have the dual land arts featured on the Play mats for the remaining five guilds (Orzhov, Dimir, Gruul, Boros, and Simic) along with the respective Guild Mages featured on the deck boxes and sleeves.  The binder appears to feature Gideon & Aurelia.  If you want to check out larger arts here, look to our previous posts 'Ravnica Art Fight' or 'Ravnica Art Dump'.  Anywhoos - Let's have a looky-loo . . .

Sleeve Protectors - one for each GTC Guild : 80 ct 

Side Load Deck Box - one for each GTC Guild : holds 80 sleeved cards

Gatecrash Play Mats - one for each GTC Guild
