Today I get to actually say good morning:)
Thank you for all the emails and kind words re: yesterday's post...seems as though I'm not alone in the all too frequent fire drill that is getting kids ready for school each morning.
Thankfully, this morning was waaaaaay less insane asylum like...for one, my kids had their listening ears well tuned up and were rock stars in the getting themselves ready department...but what really set things off on the right foot...a sweet friend who upon reading about yesterday's nonsense, left a Starbucks latte for me on my doorstop at 7am this morning...bliss I tell you, bliss.
Also, hubbs is coming home good news all around.
And speaking of, I've got some rather beuno info/pictures to share.
First, I promised a little re-cap of my experience at BlogPodium... here she goes...and let me precursor this by saying that all pictures are thanks to the brilliant
'anna with love photography'...I have some sort of pox when it comes to this event and taking photos...this is the second time (out of a possible three) that has found me phoneless the day husband found it an hour after I left under a pile of tea towels in the kitchen.
Moving on...
The day started wit breakfast...
..and an amazing keynote from the insanely talented and oh so well spoken/amiable Sarah Richardson...
She spoke about her road to success and the relayed what things make for success in this industry.
Takeaway tid-bits...
1.Passion is born from talent
2. If you're just starting out, build your portfolio by decorating friend's homes
3. Be kind...the written word is a powerful thing and has lasting power
4. Inspire others with great ideas...have a signature style that stands out from the crowd
5. Always use this simple check and balance when devising a design plan for a client...would you use/want it in your own home?
6. Design memorable spaces
7. Design is about experimenting...push the boundaries
8. Make a statement but do investment pieces in neutrals
9. A space should be comfortable
10. Draw inspiration from creativity
11. Try to find artisan pieces, antiques and one of a kinds
12. A successful space has sprit, texture, and a bit of whimsy
13. Be adaptable to clients likes and needs
14. Don't overthink it- make a plan and commit/move forward
15. Embrace your budget
16. Enjoy the thrill of the hunt
17. Play with pattern
18. Build relationships
19. Make design accessible and easy
And most importantly....
...your name is all you have so be good to it.
Sarah ended her keynote with a quote from Zelda Brunschwig...
" Good design is forever"...
I found her so inspiring and more importantly, exceedingly approachable...definitely someone I look up to and aspire to be like.
The day continued with a variety of sessions that we could select from and enjoy.
The first one I went to was run by Corinna Vangerwen and was titled 'What Bloggers Can Learn From Magazines'...some great info here and though I'm not one for the suggested 'editorial calendar', preferring instead to have this blog read like a stream of consciousness, I did take away the importance of having things like 'themes, editorials, effective layouts etc...definitely going to put some of this into practise once ::whispers:: my re-branding is complete.
After a quick break with some yummy treats and a visit to sponsors and vendors in the exhibit hall...
I then moved to the 'Blogger-Agencey Dating Game: How to Get Noticed" sesh...this one was run by the PR team from Environics...
....and was packed with great takeaways.
What was really stressed was how important meaningful collaborations are between bloggers and in today's social media age, we really are the avenue through with businesses can get eyes on their products.
My brain was spinning with ideas about possible future partnerships and the tools I need to make those collaborations happen...feeling excited with the possibilities on that front.
Lunch time came after this session...
...along with a great panel discussion dedicated to tradition, new and social media.
...loved hearing different perspectives on topics like advertising and editorial layouts from print magazines, blogs and online publications. It's amazing to see how much overlap there actually is in the way all three function and operate.
After lunch, I headed to my last session of the day (Scarlett's show was airing that night for the first time so I had to skedaddle a little earlier than most)...
You know that any talk run by Meredith and Neil is going to be one giant informative ball of fun (the two are hilarious together) and this one did not disappoint...tons of valuable info and even more laughs...Ms Brittany was equally as charming so this was definitely a good note to end my tour of BlogPodium 2013.
I had an amazing time at this year's BlogPodium...though it was filled with so much amazing information and inspiration, the best takeaway for me was as always, the chance to re-connect and meet so many fabulous bloggers...finding your peeps is a deck full of aces...
A HUGE and very appreciative thanks to Jennifer Flores for dreaming up, organizing and spearing this event...
...not a single detail was evidenced by the books and handouts we were given...
(and yes, this represents the one photo I have/took in connection with the event- bad blogger)
I want to give another high five to my neighbour and dear friend Hollie for sharing the day with me...I can't possibly not have fun when I'm in her company.
I'll be back later today with another collaboration post in keeping with all that I learned at BlogPodium so check back...for now, I'm off to re-connect with some of my non-blogger friends who I haven't seen in way too long.
Happy day friends.