Personal Blab, Ink & Reverie, Wish List Wendesday and Art

A few things.

1. I feel like I owe you all a little explanation as to why this...

...has been on a little bit of a hiatus.

At first, I had planned on keeping my personal stuff related to this pause as just that, personal but after a week has passed, I feel like I somehow owe you at least some explanation as to why I haven't been talking #projectdreamhouse as of late.

The long and depressingly short of it is that my husband lost his job last week.

It every possible way.

Mostly because this was the job my husband has been waiting years for and he loved it...he was so so happy and seeing him that way, made me happy.

Because he's literally the most optimistic person on earth, he is taking it all in stride and I'm trying not to let my personal devastation over the ambiguity of what's going to happen with the new house business cloud his sunny outlook.

He swears the new house is still happening and I so want to believe that it is...I'm trying...really, really hard.

For now, we're looking at different options...the most likely one is that we keep renting the existing house on the lot out until things get settled and then make a decision.

I've learned over the years that most times things happen for a reason and one of the potential thoughts on this track is maybe that lot wasn't perfect for us after all...when hubs a new job as he always does (because PS, he's the hardest working amazing sales guy in the universe...PSS, the roller coaster ride that is working in the telecom industry makes me want to blow my head off) we're talking about the possibility of building a 'spec' house on that lot and then selling it, along with our current house so that we can afford a bigger lot that makes more of my dream house possible.

So...there are options but I really have no fucking idea what one will end up happening...or when...or how.

For now, I'm trying not to stress about it and just really attempting to face each day as it comes.

The sun will come out as they say.....

As a silver lining to this whole things, sweet man is at home with us and it's really so so nice to have him here (don't get me wrong- I need his ass back to work but in the meantime, enjoying the help and company) - partly because it's allowed me to focus alot of my own jobs.

2. On that note, I'm SO excited about what's just around the corner for this blog...I'm re-branding a large way.  

Stay tuned because thanks to Erika, things are about to get pretty swank around these parts:))

3. Also, I've been doing tons and tons of design work lately, which is super duper awesome.

4. And because I have more than 5 minutes to rug together with an extra set of baby entertaining hands near by, I've been doing lots and lots of painting.

#projectnordic is about to see this 36x48 lady arrive at her door...

Excited about that one.

Also, a fabulously sweet client named Shannon emailed me a picture of one of my pieces in her home...

...which totally made my day.

5. And speaking of day makers, my Stephanie Vovas photograph arrived and well....

...smitten doesn't really cut it.


6. Now...and still on the topic of art...and because it's Wednesday...

Blog Series- Wish List Wednesday

...first, I'd like to add this SV to my collection of one...

If you haven't already guessed, I luuuuuurrrvvvvv her work.

Next, I posted this picture on instagram a few days ago...

...and was inundated with questions about the artist.

I did some research and found this guy...

He's a local Toronto artist and holy Mother tits Therese...LOOK!!!!


An employed husband would help.

Finally, I was reading MFAMB yesterday as I do everyday and was blindsided in the best possible way by Jenny's newest work (which you can buy here...if your husband is employed...or you are etc...but crap, just checked and these are all sold out- no surprise there...lots of other brilliance up for grabs though) ...

depth  22 x 30  

void  22 x 30

abyss  22 x 30

pop rocks  22 x 30

I can't even...

These are just too good...almost makes me angry...and frustrated...and jealous.

Mostly they make me sky high though- stunning artwork right there.

And I think that's it for today.

As always, thanks for reading and making it to the bottom of my often long winded posts.

You guys truly light up my life.

Real styles.
