Things Moved and Got Styled but I Need More

As per house excitement that's coming up...I moved a few things yesterday.

 I basically spent 4 hours stealing from one room to benefit another.

It worked out I think.

But more has to happen.

Mostly, I need to figure out how to make the wood console in my living room look brighter and more shimmery since the rest of the room is all feminine and pretty like.

It needs something that's not be books, lamps or mirrors...the rooms already packed full of those things and I don't think it can handle anymore...although if some kind book store owner wants to ship me these two free of charge, I'd of course be more than happy to find a space for them...


I'm thinking the console really wants a pair of these sweet pooches to make it prettier...

or maybe flamingos instead...

And definitely wants sconces...or maybe candelabras for the fireplace so my cache pots can go on the console...

And a new TV...or maybe no TV...maybe a gallery wall instead and the TV in the playroom?

Oh but PS, it's almost Christmas and I just renovated a kitchen...aka- there's a rather large fund deficit...which equates to a fun deficit.

You see my dilemma.

On the positive side of things, I did make a few small changes that I'm really happy with.

For one, I moved my MFAMB original back to the's just too damn pretty to be hidden away in my bedroom...though I did love it there...someday I might need to own two Jenny originals...someday!


Here's Maxine back where she belongs...

Look how pretty she is in Instagram form...

And you know what else looks pretty smashing this way?

My Leigh Viner original with a pink cockatoo in front...these two lovelies have also found a new home on the fireplace mantle...

Don't you love how blurry/romantic the Instagrams are?

I do.

I had more photos to share today of all the other styling stuff but this is actually the second post I've put together this morning (didn't like the first) and frankly, I'm a bit pooped.

I'll share more in the next few days.

Also, my sweet Lola dog is having her second operation in as many weeks this morning...thankfully, the bump looks to be benign so they're just being extra cautious.

 Please think happy doogle/get well thoughts for her:)

