A New Sponsor, the Kids, Paintings Make Wallpaper, and a Onesie

I trust you all had a good weekend.

Mine was actually sort of suckage.

I spent all day sourcing on Saturday, and came away with very little of what I wanted...so, back to the drawing board as it were...will be doing a lot of running around shopping this week.

And then there was Sunday...my pregnancy hormones made Remembrance Day celebrations one giant tear fest- I was a mess...and I did literally nothing but lie in bed ALL day...I was feeling great up until this week and am now back to first trimester like exhaustion...hoping it's short lived...hate feeling totally hung over.

Thankfully, I have a pretty OK husband that has been taking over when I'm in zombie mode...he was totes Mr Mom all day yesterday, and had the kids out to the lake...this photo he took of them might have just made my life...

...as did this one of my sweet/precious/adorable/gorgeous nieces Adele and Caroline...

Me. Lucky.

Now...on to the goods of the day.

I'm THRILLED...and I mean THRILLED to introduce you to my newest kick bum sponsor...Jamie Shop...

I'm sure all of you are already familiar with the amazing design work of Jamie Herzlinger...if not, you silly beans you, check out her ridiculously good portfolio.

Well...Ms H has come up with a brilliant new venture that gives us regular folk exclusive access to over 400 high end designer 'trade only' manufacturers...at wholesale prices no less.

By signing up, you my friends can by all that fabulously pretty stuff you've been lusting over...on your own...easily.

Things like these...

Sign. Me. Up.

You can read all about this brilliance HERE.

I'm also VERY excited about a little discovery I made, thanks to the ladies over at 219...PS, do you see a theme developing here? I'm pulling inspiration/stuff from them like EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Anyhoo...have you heard of Mr Perswall?

Well...if not, let me fill you in.

Basically, it's a place that makes your own wallpaper for you.

You can upload images and they'll print them on paper...for your walls.

I experimented a little the other day and came up with some goodness that I just might do in my house- thinking of the basement hallway, or on one wall in #projectsurprise.

And yes...those are my paintings turned into wallpaper.

Fun yes?

Oh and speaking of paintings, there are a few news ones up in the shop...including the last one shown above (Eliza), Ms Althea...

...and lady Zoe...

Buy them up please so I can make some more.

Oh and speaking of additional things...

I added a bunch of newish Instagram photos to 'My House' section of the blog...you can click HERE to see the full tour.

And finally, just to end on a very happy note...I made my first official baby purchase yesterday...My little J (and no, none of you have guessed correctly yet on the name front:) is going to look awfully dapper in this number...

Cardigan and Bow Tie Onesie Set - Trendy Baby Boy - Blue and Retro Plaid

Yup...that right there is a bow tied/stiped onesie combo.

