Lamenting...a LONG POST!

Morning friends.

I trust you're all planning on spending your day at some mall...god help me, I'll be at one ALL day.

I spent most of yesterday doing the same, hence the lack of blog post.



I've been feeling lately like Baby J might fall actually fall out...hope that doesn't sound crass but it's true.

I've had perhaps the busiest two months of my life and it's catching up with me.

Busy Busy Busy!

For one, I'm presently in the middle of 4 e-design projects...SO excited about this and beyond thrilled to be actually working on real design work- absolutely a dream come true and really, there's not much more I love in terms of work.

{PS...on that front, I'll be accepting new clients in February if you have a room that needs zhushing...check my right toolbar for rates/info etc.}

Also, I've been doing some more taping for Steven and Chris...again, feel like I'm living in some sort of peacock/angel fantasy world...

I Dream of a World of Couture

...can't really wrap my head around the fact that I'm on TV for excitingQ

And speaking of TV, my daughter has been doing a little something something...mums the word on that front but we've just completed an epic run of shooting so again, ridiculous amazing/slightly exhausting.

Of course, there's also the whole Christmas thing and my kids going to school and my house stuff...oh and a few commissions for Wink of Pink,

Valencia - original painting

{Don't forget that the 25% sale in my shop ends Christmas Day}

 articles for Style at Home, a few little pieces for other blogs/online sites etc....and B&B blog of course. just adds up to a lot of business/busyness up in here.

I'm INCREDIBLE grateful for all of it but I'm also SOOOO TIRED.

I found out Wednesday that I've got IGT...which translates to Impaired Glucose Tolerance...which translates to a mild version of Gestational Diabetes.

Total and complete suckage.

Who finds out they can't eat sugar a few days before Christmas?


I spent yesterday morning at a 3 hour nutrition, blood monitoring class and was sent home with a kit of stuff so I could prick my finger 4x a day and see what's what.

I know this is NOT the end of the world and I feel beyond blessed to be at the point I am in this pregnancy...but...

I also feel a little down in the dumpages.


My other pregnancies were a walk in the park...this one hasn't been.

Early on, I lost my angel Baby B twin.

Then weeks later, I was told my little trooper Baby A might have some issues...the anatomy scan showed large ventricles in the brain...which I was told, could mean Spina Bifida or Hydrocephalus.

4 ultrasounds later, the ventricles shrunk a bit and fell within normal range so the according to multiple doctors, sweet boy is at no greater risk for the above than any other baby.

Thanking god.

I had a few weeks of relative pregnancy peace after that, but have been feeling really tired and my belly is enormous- a full 5" bigger than it was with either of my other kids so when I took the Glucose Tolerance Test, I sort of knew in my gut I was going to fail...and well, I did.

Even though I know this isn't the end of the world, this whole pregnancy has just sort of made me realize that I'm aging...for real.

Dazed Digital | The Age of Iris

{PS...please god let me at least 1/10th as cool/glorious as Ms. Iris when I get to be her age.}

Things just aren't working as efficiently as they used to...being pregnant now is harder and that makes me sad.

Realizing that in 12 weeks, this part of my life will be over forever...that's hard too.

I'm one of those people who dreamt about having kids since I was about 5 and never really thought past that point...knowing that stage is coming to an end and having my body tell me the same, just makes me a little teary.

And speaking of teary...

...coming home last night and turning on the TV to hear this NRA maniac show no remourse/accountability for Newtown and say that more guns/armed guards was the answer to mass shootings in schools...

...well this makes me saddest of all.

Unconscionable. is amazingly good right now in SO many ways but I'm also feeling very tired and just a tinsy winsy bit sad.

Mostly, I'm INCREDIBLY grateful for, life and most of all my sweet, sweet family.

I can't wait to spend a few days away and disconnected so I can re-charge with those I love most.

I'm also very thankful for you  my dear, dear readers.

I treasure this blog - as you can tell from this post, it's totally my little diary of sorts and I'm really can't imagine my life without it.

Yesterday, I came home after a very long day to find these goodies waiting for me from amazing people I've met here...

First...I opened up these treasures from Nina over at Black Rooster...

BEYOND grateful.

I mean books for every member in my family...can't imagine a more thoughtful gift...and the vintage coasters/ pretty!

And speaking of beautiful things....have a look at the numbered print that the insanely talented Zoe Pawlak sent me...

I mean hello...COULD NOT LOVE IT MORE.

Framing this beauty up and putting her in the kitchen as soon as humanely possible!!!

And last but not least, sweet Erin from Charles Emerson Design sent me this stunning necklace...

And it's literally the perfect accessory...I already know I'll be sporting it like all the time.

I also received one more very special prezzie from RugsUSA but I'll tell you all about that next week...involves #projectbaby so a full post will be coming.

For now....I should probably sign off.

This has turned into one very long Saturday post...please excuse.

Oh but wait..please don't forget to enter to M Kaltenbach giveaway- because I heart you all, I've decided to extend the time to enter and will draw for the winner on the 27th... you know you NEED this one of a kind necklace in your life...

So...this will be my last post until the crazy family and I are driving down to Ohio to spend Christmas at Great Wolf Lodge...please pray for me...a pregnant lady and water slides...good times;)

Merry Christmas dear hearts...

Hope this dude treats you all well...

Merry christmas!  :)

Love and kisses and very warm holiday wishes.

