Weekend Progress - #projectbaby and #projectgetroomsreadyforkids ....Instagram Styles

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Well...I haven't had a baby yet:(

BUT...I'm feeling like it might happen soonly.

And since I'm a weird numbers girl, tomorrow would be perfect because it would give Baby J a pretty awesome birthday equation of 3.12.13...break that up and you've got a lovely little palindrom...

Yup...like it very much.

Also, my sister and niece are coming on Wednesday so tomorrow would be ideal.

And if that can't happen, any day before Saturday would also work.

Gods...do you hear me?

Hoping so.

This belly...

...is VERY ready to pop so yes...baby come out time please and thank you.

Moving on.

In an effort to spur the whole baby delivery thing on, I helped my contractor and husband get some things done in the nursery and basement.

And by assisting, I mean that I delegated, instructed and gently enthusiastically encouraged;)

With my help, the boys club was able to...

Install the Hicks pendant in the bambino's room (PS, one of my favourite shops 219 is now offering up VC stuff so if you'd like some of this goodness for your very ownly, go there)...

...put my Fleur Lux paper garland mobile up over the crib...

...get the new sectional put together and placed in the right spot (shop 
Black Rooster for this loveliness)...

...install 3 Visual Comfort flush mounts in the hallway (though I could only get 2 at a time photographed)...

...stick the sink on the wall in the bathroom...

...put the guest room/teenagers bed together...

...and get the fireplace surround, brass bookcases and daybed put in their respective right spots...

PS, thank god for electronic babysitters at times like these.

Our contractors are arriving any minute and will finish the bathroom ceiling so that the rest of the goodies in there can go in.

As well, baseboards and doors are being delivered and will hopefully be in tomorrow.

After that, there will be some painting to finish, a fireplace to install, the laundry doors/track to get in, the staircase railing to put up, and built ins on the opposite wall to the fireplace to install (still debating what to do here).

All is coming together, though there is one hitch I need to solve.

My plan to put our old dining table in the 'playroom' end of the basement might not work...I just don't think there's enough space for it.

So...I need to either buy a very cheap and much smaller round table for the 2 office chairs that have been purchased, or incorporate some sort of built in desk situation into whatever we build on that wall- we shall see.

Also, I am still debating what colour to paint the fireplace and whether or not I want to put mouldings on the basement walls or leave them crisp and perhaps paint with a high gloss oil (did that in the bedroom and LOVE it).

I'll be posting more about the basement's paint selections/decisions very soon, once the space is more put together...for now, let's just say Para Paints has made my basement, and indeed more of my house, MUCH prettier!

As for the nursery, we're just waiting on the daybed to show up and then it's done, done, done.

Excited to share the afters on both fronts.
